ApacheDS Installation guide

Provide instructions to install an ApacheDS instance and setup for use with Fortress. In this configuration, there is an ApacheDS server running on a machine (ApacheDS Host) and Fortress agent which will be installed on a client machine (Fortress Host). Note that those two hosts can be shared - and this is such a configuration that we are going to use in this document.


There a few mandatory elements that need to be installed on the ApacheDS Host :

  • Java 7 or greated sdk

On the Fortress Host, you will need those components :

  • Java 7 or greated sdk
  • Apache Maven 3+
  • A web browser
  • Git
  • Apache Directory Studio

Installing ApacheDS

On the ApacheDS Host :

Follow the installation guide on the ApacheDS download pages (each page has an installation description).

The base installation will install a server running on port 10389, with a default user uid=admin,ou=system and the password secret. Please change those values !!!

Note that the server requires a Java 7 sdk to run.

Installing Apache Directory Studio

On the Fortress Host :

We will install Apache Directory Studio which is a convenient tool when it comes to managing an LDAP server. Install using the following documentation. Again, each link contains directions on how to install this component.

Once installed, check the connection to the ApacheDS server installed during the previous step. Create a connection, set the hostName and port to be those where you installed the ApacheDS server, then check the Network Parameter, ensure no errors.

Check that the credentials you have set (defaulting to uid=admin,ou=system and secret) using Simple Authentication, and clicking on Check Authentication : work also.

The complete description of the steps are found on this page

Installing Fortress Core

Assuming that Git, Java 7 and Apache Maven are installed on the Fortress Host, and that ApacheDS is running on the ApacheDS Host, we can now configure and install Fortress Core on the Fortress Host

The setup will use your specific configuration to create everything needed on the LDAP server to operate Fortress. It will also inject specific schema elements into the ldap server; entries that are required for Fortress to work. Once done, the Fortress APIs are ready to use.

The setup phase must be performed once per LDAP server instance. But every machine that uses Fortress, must be configured to point to the same LDAP server (as you would expect) that was initially setup. This will be explained later on.