





cTAKES Mailing Lists

We welcome you to join our mailing lists and let us know about your thoughts or ideas about Apache cTAKES.

To subscribe to a particular list, send a plain-text (not html format) email to the appropriate * email addresses below and follow the instructions in automated email responses.

Development Mailing List

This is where the community hangs out. This list is used to coordinate activities and ensure we are all pulling in the same direction. This is a high traffic list, with an average of 57 posts/day.

Commits Notifications List

This is where the community receives automated notifications from JIRA and Jenkins(Continuous Integration). This is a moderate traffic list, with an average of 5 posts/day.

Commits Mailing List

This is where the community receives automated notifications of any changes to the cTAKES code and documentation. This is a moderate traffic list, with an average of 10 posts/day.

Users Mailing List

This is where the users ask questions, suggest features, etc. This is a low traffic list.

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