Uses of Class

Packages that use CheckDigitException
This package contains Check Digit validation/calculation routines.
  • Uses of CheckDigitException in org.apache.commons.validator.routines.checkdigit

    Modifier and Type
    CASNumberCheckDigit.calculate(String code)
    Calculate a modulus Check Digit for a code which does not yet have one.
    CheckDigit.calculate(String code)
    Calculates the Check Digit for a code.
    ECNumberCheckDigit.calculate(String code)
    Calculate a modulus Check Digit for a code which does not yet have one.
    IBANCheckDigit.calculate(String code)
    Calculate the Check Digit for an IBAN code.
    ISBNCheckDigit.calculate(String code)
    Calculate an ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 check digit, depending on the length of the code.
    ModulusCheckDigit.calculate(String code)
    Calculate a modulus Check Digit for a code which does not yet have one.
    VerhoeffCheckDigit.calculate(String code)
    Calculate a Verhoeff Check Digit for a code.
    protected int
    ISINCheckDigit.calculateModulus(String code, boolean includesCheckDigit)
    Calculate the modulus for an ISIN code.
    protected int
    ModulusCheckDigit.calculateModulus(String code, boolean includesCheckDigit)
    Calculate the modulus for a code.
    protected int
    SedolCheckDigit.calculateModulus(String code, boolean includesCheckDigit)
    Calculate the modulus for an SEDOL code.
    protected String
    ISBN10CheckDigit.toCheckDigit(int charValue)
    Convert an integer value to a character at a specified position.
    protected String
    ISSNCheckDigit.toCheckDigit(int charValue)
    protected String
    ModulusCheckDigit.toCheckDigit(int charValue)
    Convert an integer value to a check digit.
    protected int
    CUSIPCheckDigit.toInt(char character, int leftPos, int rightPos)
    Convert a character at a specified position to an integer value.
    protected int
    ISBN10CheckDigit.toInt(char character, int leftPos, int rightPos)
    Convert a character at a specified position to an integer value.
    protected int
    ISSNCheckDigit.toInt(char character, int leftPos, int rightPos)
    protected int
    ModulusCheckDigit.toInt(char character, int leftPos, int rightPos)
    Convert a character at a specified position to an integer value.
    protected int
    ModulusTenCheckDigit.toInt(char character, int leftPos, int rightPos)
    Convert a character at a specified position to an integer value.
    protected int
    SedolCheckDigit.toInt(char character, int leftPos, int rightPos)
    Convert a character at a specified position to an integer value.
    protected int
    ISSNCheckDigit.weightedValue(int charValue, int leftPos, int rightPos)
    protected abstract int
    ModulusCheckDigit.weightedValue(int charValue, int leftPos, int rightPos)
    Calculates the weighted value of a character in the code at a specified position.