All Classes and Interfaces

Modulus 10 ABA Number (or Routing Transit Number (RTN)) Check Digit calculation/validation.
Abstract class for Date/Time/Calendar validation.
Abstract class for Format based Validation.
Abstract class for Number Validation.
A default argument or an argument for a specific validator definition (ex: required) can be stored to pass into a message as parameters.
BigDecimal Validation and Conversion routines (java.math.BigDecimal).
BigInteger Validation and Conversion routines (java.math.BigInteger).
Byte Validation and Conversion routines (java.lang.Byte).
Calendar Validation and Conversion routines (java.util.Calendar).
Modulus 10 CAS Registry Number (or Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS RN)) Check Digit calculation/validation.
Check Digit calculation and validation.
Check Digit calculation/validation error.
Generic Code Validation providing format, minimum/maximum length and CheckDigit validations.
Use the new CreditCardValidator in the routines package.
Perform credit card validations.
Class that represents a credit card range.
CreditCardType implementations define how validation is performed for one type/brand of credit card.
Currency Validation and Conversion routines (java.math.BigDecimal).
Modulus 10 CUSIP (North American Securities) Check Digit calculation/validation.
Use the new DateValidator, CalendarValidator or TimeValidator in the routines package.
Date Validation and Conversion routines (java.util.Date).
Domain name validation routines.
enum used by DomainValidator.updateTLDOverride(ArrayType, String[]) to determine which override array to update / fetch
Used to specify overrides when creating a new class.
Double Validation and Conversion routines (java.lang.Double).
Modulus 10 EAN-13 / UPC / ISBN-13 Check Digit calculation/validation.
Modulus 11 EC number Check Digit calculation/validation.
Use the new EmailValidator in the routines package.
Perform email validations.
This contains the list of pluggable validators to run on a field and any message information and variables to perform the validations and generate error messages.
Represents a collection of 64 boolean (on/off) flags.
Float Validation and Conversion routines (java.lang.Float).
This contains a set of validation rules for a form/JavaBean.
Holds a set of Forms stored associated with a Locale based on the country, language, and variant specified.
Factory class used by Digester to create FormSet's.
This class contains basic methods for performing validations that return the correctly typed class based on the validation performed.
This class contains basic methods for performing validations.
IBAN (International Bank Account Number) Check Digit calculation/validation.
IBAN Validator.
The validation class
InetAddress validation and conversion routines (
Integer Validation and Conversion routines (java.lang.Integer).
Modulus 11 ISBN-10 Check Digit calculation/validation.
Combined ISBN-10 / ISBN-13 Check Digit calculation/validation.
Use the new ISBNValidator in the routines package
ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 Code Validation.
Modulus 10 ISIN (International Securities Identifying Number) Check Digit calculation/validation.
ISIN (International Securities Identifying Number) validation.
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is an eight-digit serial number used to uniquely identify a serial publication.
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is an eight-digit serial number used to uniquely identify a serial publication.
Long Validation and Conversion routines (java.lang.Long).
Modulus 10 Luhn Check Digit calculation/validation.
Abstract Modulus Check digit calculation/validation.
General Modulus 10 Check Digit calculation/validation.
An alternative message can be associated with a Field and a pluggable validator instead of using the default message stored in the ValidatorAction (aka pluggable validator).
Percentage Validation and Conversion routines (java.math.BigDecimal).
Regular Expression validation (using the JRE's regular expression support).
Modulus 10 SEDOL (UK Securities) Check Digit calculation/validation.
Short Validation and Conversion routines (java.lang.Short).
Time Validation and Conversion routines (java.util.Calendar).
URL Validation routines.
Use the new UrlValidator in the routines package.
Validations are processed by the validate method.
Contains the information to dynamically create and run a validation method.
The base exception for the Validator Framework.
General purpose class for storing FormSet objects based on their associated Locale.
This contains the results of a set of validation rules processed on a JavaBean.
Contains the status of the validation.
This contains the results of a set of validation rules processed on a JavaBean.
Basic utility methods.
A variable that can be associated with a Field for passing in information to a pluggable validator.
Verhoeff (Dihedral) Check Digit calculation/validation.