 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.commons.rng.sampling.distribution;

import org.apache.commons.rng.UniformRandomProvider;

 * Sampling from a Gaussian distribution with given mean and
 * standard deviation.
 * <h2>Note</h2>
 * <p>The mean and standard deviation are validated to ensure they are finite. This prevents
 * generation of NaN samples by avoiding invalid arithmetic (inf * 0 or inf - inf).
 * However use of an extremely large standard deviation and/or mean may result in samples that are
 * infinite; that is the parameters are not validated to prevent truncation of the output
 * distribution.
 * @since 1.1
public class GaussianSampler implements SharedStateContinuousSampler {
    /** Mean. */
    private final double mean;
    /** standardDeviation. */
    private final double standardDeviation;
    /** Normalized Gaussian sampler. */
    private final NormalizedGaussianSampler normalized;

     * Create an instance.
     * @param normalized Generator of N(0,1) Gaussian distributed random numbers.
     * @param mean Mean of the Gaussian distribution.
     * @param standardDeviation Standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code standardDeviation <= 0} or is infinite;
     * or {@code mean} is infinite
    public GaussianSampler(NormalizedGaussianSampler normalized,
                           double mean,
                           double standardDeviation) {
        // Validation before java.lang.Object constructor exits prevents partially initialized object
        this(InternalUtils.requireFinite(mean, "mean"),
             InternalUtils.requireStrictlyPositiveFinite(standardDeviation, "standardDeviation"),

     * @param mean Mean of the Gaussian distribution.
     * @param standardDeviation Standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution.
     * @param normalized Generator of N(0,1) Gaussian distributed random numbers.
    private GaussianSampler(double mean,
                            double standardDeviation,
                            NormalizedGaussianSampler normalized) {
        this.normalized = normalized;
        this.mean = mean;
        this.standardDeviation = standardDeviation;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public double sample() {
        return standardDeviation * normalized.sample() + mean;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString() {
        return "Gaussian deviate [" + normalized.toString() + "]";

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>Note: This function is available if the underlying {@link NormalizedGaussianSampler}
     * is a {@link org.apache.commons.rng.sampling.SharedStateSampler SharedStateSampler}.
     * Otherwise a run-time exception is thrown.</p>
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the underlying sampler is not a
     * {@link org.apache.commons.rng.sampling.SharedStateSampler SharedStateSampler} or
     * does not return a {@link NormalizedGaussianSampler} when sharing state.
     * @since 1.3
    public SharedStateContinuousSampler withUniformRandomProvider(UniformRandomProvider rng) {
        return new GaussianSampler(mean, standardDeviation,
            InternalUtils.newNormalizedGaussianSampler(normalized, rng));

     * Create a new normalised Gaussian sampler.
     * <p>Note: The shared-state functionality is available if the {@link NormalizedGaussianSampler}
     * is a {@link org.apache.commons.rng.sampling.SharedStateSampler SharedStateSampler}.
     * Otherwise a run-time exception will be thrown when the sampler is used to share state.</p>
     * @param normalized Generator of N(0,1) Gaussian distributed random numbers.
     * @param mean Mean of the Gaussian distribution.
     * @param standardDeviation Standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution.
     * @return the sampler
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code standardDeviation <= 0} or is infinite;
     * or {@code mean} is infinite
     * @see #withUniformRandomProvider(UniformRandomProvider)
     * @since 1.3
    public static SharedStateContinuousSampler of(NormalizedGaussianSampler normalized,
                                                  double mean,
                                                  double standardDeviation) {
        return new GaussianSampler(normalized, mean, standardDeviation);