Class ZigguratSamplerPerformance.SequentialSources

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class ZigguratSamplerPerformance.SequentialSources
    extends ZigguratSamplerPerformance.Sources
    The samplers to use for testing the ziggurat method with sequential sample generation. Defines the RandomSource and the sampler type.

    This specifically targets repeat calls to the same sampler. Performance should scale linearly with the size. A plot of size against time can identify outliers and should allow ranking of different methods.

    Note: Testing using a single call to the sampler may return different relative performance of the samplers than when testing using multiple calls. This is due to the single calls being performed multiple times by the JMH framework rather than a single block of code. Rankings should be consistent and the optimal sampler method chosen using both sets of results.