Class XoRoShiRo64Star

    • Field Detail

      • state0

        protected int state0
        State 0 of the generator.
      • state1

        protected int state1
        State 1 of the generator.
    • Constructor Detail

      • XoRoShiRo64Star

        public XoRoShiRo64Star​(int[] seed)
        Creates a new instance.
        seed - Initial seed. If the length is larger than 2, only the first 2 elements will be used; if smaller, the remaining elements will be automatically set. A seed containing all zeros will create a non-functional generator.
      • XoRoShiRo64Star

        public XoRoShiRo64Star​(int seed0,
                               int seed1)
        Creates a new instance using a 2 element seed. A seed containing all zeros will create a non-functional generator.
        seed0 - Initial seed element 0.
        seed1 - Initial seed element 1.
    • Method Detail

      • nextOutput

        protected int nextOutput()
        Use the current state to compute the next output from the generator. The output function shall vary with respect to different generators. This method is called from before the current state is updated.
        the next output
      • getStateInternal

        protected byte[] getStateInternal()
        Creates a snapshot of the RNG state.
        getStateInternal in class IntProvider
        the internal state.
      • next

        public int next()
        Return the next random value.
        the next random value.