Class FTPTimestampParserImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Configurable, FTPTimestampParser

Default implementation of the FTPTimestampParser interface also implements the Configurable interface to allow the parsing to be configured from the outside.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • configure

      public void configure(FTPClientConfig config)
      Implements the Configurable interface. Configures this FTPTimestampParser according to the following logic:

      Sets up the defaultDateFormat and optionally the recentDateFormat to values supplied in the config based on month names configured as follows:

      • If a shortMonthString has been supplied in the config, use that to parse parse timestamps.
      • Otherwise, if a serverLanguageCode has been supplied in the config, use the month names represented by that language to parse timestamps.
      • otherwise use default English month names

      Finally if a serverTimeZoneId has been supplied via the config, set that into all date formats that have been configured.

      Specified by:
      configure in interface Configurable
      config - the object containing the configuration data
    • getDefaultDateFormat

      Returns the defaultDateFormat.
    • getDefaultDateFormatString

      Returns the defaultDateFormat pattern string.
    • getRecentDateFormat

      Returns the recentDateFormat.
    • getRecentDateFormatString

      Returns the recentDateFormat.
    • getServerTimeZone

      Returns the serverTimeZone used by this parser.
    • getShortMonths

      public String[] getShortMonths()
      returns an array of 12 strings representing the short month names used by this parse.
    • parseTimestamp

      public Calendar parseTimestamp(String timestampStr) throws ParseException
      Implements the one method in the FTPTimestampParser interface according to this algorithm: If the recentDateFormat member has been defined, try to parse the supplied string with that. If that parse fails, or if the recentDateFormat member has not been defined, attempt to parse with the defaultDateFormat member. If that fails, throw a ParseException. This method assumes that the server time is the same as the local time.
      Specified by:
      parseTimestamp in interface FTPTimestampParser
      timestampStr - The timestamp to be parsed
      a Calendar with the parsed timestamp
      ParseException - if none of the parser mechanisms belonging to the implementor can parse the input.
      See Also:
    • parseTimestamp

      public Calendar parseTimestamp(String timestampStr, Calendar serverTime) throws ParseException
      If the recentDateFormat member has been defined, try to parse the supplied string with that. If that parse fails, or if the recentDateFormat member has not been defined, attempt to parse with the defaultDateFormat member. If that fails, throw a ParseException. This method allows a Calendar instance to be passed in which represents the current (system) time.
      timestampStr - The timestamp to be parsed
      serverTime - The current time for the server
      the calendar
      ParseException - if timestamp cannot be parsed
      See Also: