 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.stat.regression;

import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.linear.LUDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.linear.RealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math4.legacy.linear.RealVector;

 * The GLS implementation of multiple linear regression.
 * GLS assumes a general covariance matrix Omega of the error
 * <pre>
 * u ~ N(0, Omega)
 * </pre>
 * Estimated by GLS,
 * <pre>
 * b=(X' Omega^-1 X)^-1X'Omega^-1 y
 * </pre>
 * whose variance is
 * <pre>
 * Var(b)=(X' Omega^-1 X)^-1
 * </pre>
 * @since 2.0
public class GLSMultipleLinearRegression extends AbstractMultipleLinearRegression {

    /** Covariance matrix. */
    private RealMatrix omega;

    /** Inverse of covariance matrix. */
    private RealMatrix omegaInverse;

    /** Replace sample data, overriding any previous sample.
     * @param y y values of the sample
     * @param x x values of the sample
     * @param covariance array representing the covariance matrix
    public void newSampleData(double[] y, double[][] x, double[][] covariance) {
        validateSampleData(x, y);
        validateCovarianceData(x, covariance);

     * Add the covariance data.
     * @param omega the [n,n] array representing the covariance
    protected void newCovarianceData(double[][] omega){ = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(omega);
        this.omegaInverse = null;

     * Get the inverse of the covariance.
     * <p>The inverse of the covariance matrix is lazily evaluated and cached.</p>
     * @return inverse of the covariance
    protected RealMatrix getOmegaInverse() {
        if (omegaInverse == null) {
            omegaInverse = new LUDecomposition(omega).getSolver().getInverse();
        return omegaInverse;

     * Calculates beta by GLS.
     * <pre>
     *  b=(X' Omega^-1 X)^-1X'Omega^-1 y
     * </pre>
     * @return beta
    protected RealVector calculateBeta() {
        RealMatrix oi = getOmegaInverse();
        RealMatrix xt = getX().transpose();
        RealMatrix xtoix = xt.multiply(oi).multiply(getX());
        RealMatrix inverse = new LUDecomposition(xtoix).getSolver().getInverse();
        return inverse.multiply(xt).multiply(oi).operate(getY());

     * Calculates the variance on the beta.
     * <pre>
     *  Var(b)=(X' Omega^-1 X)^-1
     * </pre>
     * @return The beta variance matrix
    protected RealMatrix calculateBetaVariance() {
        RealMatrix oi = getOmegaInverse();
        RealMatrix xtoix = getX().transpose().multiply(oi).multiply(getX());
        return new LUDecomposition(xtoix).getSolver().getInverse();

     * Calculates the estimated variance of the error term using the formula
     * <pre>
     *  Var(u) = Tr(u' Omega^-1 u)/(n-k)
     * </pre>
     * where n and k are the row and column dimensions of the design
     * matrix X.
     * @return error variance
     * @since 2.2
    protected double calculateErrorVariance() {
        RealVector residuals = calculateResiduals();
        double t = residuals.dotProduct(getOmegaInverse().operate(residuals));
        return t / (getX().getRowDimension() - getX().getColumnDimension());