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This reference is split up into the following sections:

  1. Language Elements
  2. Literals
  3. Functions
  4. Operators
  5. Access
  6. Conditional Statements
  7. Flow Control

For more technical information about the JEXL Grammar, you can find the JavaCC grammar for JEXL here: Parser.jjt

Language Elements

Item Description
Comments Specified using ## or //and extend to the end of line, e.g. ## This is a comment Also specified using //, e.g. // This is a comment Multiple lines comments are specified using /*...*/, e.g. /* This is a multi-line comment */
Identifiers / variables Must start with a-z, A-Z, _ or $. Can then be followed by 0-9, a-z, A-Z, _ or $. e.g.
  • Valid: var1,_a99,$1
  • Invalid: 9v,!a99,1$

Variable names are case-sensitive, e.g. var1 and Var1 are different variables.

NOTE: JEXL does not support variables with hyphens in them, e.g. commons-logging // invalid variable name (hyphenated) is not a valid variable, but instead is treated as a subtraction of the variable logging from the variable commons

JEXL also supports ant-style variables, the following is a valid variable name: my.dotted.var

N.B. the following keywords are reserved, and cannot be used as a variable name or property when using the dot operator: or and eq ne lt gt le ge div mod not null true false new var do while break continue function return For example, the following is invalid: my.new.dotted.var // invalid ('new' is keyword) In such cases, quoted identifiers or the [ ] operator can be used, for example: my.'new'.dotted.var my['new'].dotted.var


A script in JEXL is made up of zero or more statements, optionally enclosed in a function definition block. Scripts can include one or more pragmas.

Scripts can be read from a String, File or URL.

Scripts can be created with named parameters which allow a later evaluation to be performed with arguments.

By default, in the absence of an explicit return statement, scripts return the value of the last evaluated statement.

Using the return keyword, a script will return the expression that follows (or null).

#pragma Declares a pragma, a method to communicate information from a script to its execution environment, e.g. #pragma execution.option 42 will declare a pragma named execution.option with a value of 42.

Pragma keys can be identifiers or antish names, pragma values can be literals (boolean, integer, real, string, null, NaN) and antish names

Although pragmas are statements, they are not evaluated at runtime; they are constants associated to the script after parsing. It is expected that user code accesses the pragma map from scripts to alter some functions behavior.

There are 3 built-in pragmas:

jexl.options overrides the evaluation options using the option-flags syntax. #pragma jexl.options "+strict -safe +lexical +lexicalShade" will let the script run with the options strict being true, safe false, lexical true and lexical shade true.

jexl.namespace.ns_prefix declares a namespace valid for the script execution lifetime, the value being the fully-qualified namespace class-name. #pragma jexl.namespace.str java.lang.String declare 'str' as the namespace using the String class.

jexl.import works in conjunction with the 'new' operator. It declares the packages that a new ClassIdentifier(...) will visit - in declaration order - to resolve the class name into a fully-qualified class-name. #pragma jexl.import java.net will allow executing let url = new URL("https://commons.apache.org");, the URL class name being solved as the java.net.URL fully-qualified class-name.

Statements A statement can be the empty statement, the semicolon (;), block, conditional, variable declaration or an expression. Statements are optionally terminated with a semicolon. A single statement or a statement block can be annotated.
Block A block is simply multiple statements inside curly braces ({, }).
Local variables Can be defined using the let, const and var keywords; their identifying rules are the same as contextual variables.
  • let declares a local variable (or a parameter) with a lexical block scope. The variable can only be accessed within its definition block and any nested sub-block. This also forbids variable redeclaration within that scope. Note: This emulates Java behavior which differs from ECMAScript.
  • const behaves as let but will prevent the variable from being reassigned by any side effect operator.
  • var declares a variable whose scope is the whole script and allows redefinition. This behavior is altered by the JexlFeature#setLexical(true) that will enforce a lexical scope for all variables akin to let declaration.
  • Basic declaration: let x;
  • Declaration with assignment: const theAnswer = 42;
  • Invalid declaration: var x.y;
Local variables they take precedence in resolution over contextual variables. When scripts are created with named parameters, those behave as local variables. Local variables can not use ant-style naming, only one identifier.
Expression An expression can be the literal, variable, assignment, access operator, function definition, function call, method call or an evaluation operator.
Assignment Assigns the value of a variable (my.var = 'a value') using a JexlContext as initial resolver. Both beans and ant-ish variables assignment are supported.
Function definition Defines a function within the script, usually associated with a local variable assignment. var fun = function(x, y) { x + y } The following syntaxes are also supported:
  • var fun = (x, y) -> { x + y }
  • var fun = (let x, let y) -> { x + y }
  • const fun = (const x, const y) -> { x + y }
  • function fun(const x, const y) { x + y }
If the function has only one argument the parentheses may be omitted var fun = x -> { x * x }. Functions with an expression as body can forego the curly brackets as in: var fun = x -> x * x .

Note that functions can use local variables and parameters from their declaring script. Those variables values are bound to the function environment at definition time.

var t = 20; var s = function(x, y) {x + y + t}; t = 54; s(15, 7) The function closure captures 't' when defined; the result of the evaluation will lead to 15 + 7 + 20 = 42.
Function call Calling a function follows the usual convention, e.g. fun(17, 25) will call the fun function with arguments 17 and 25
Method call Calls a method of an object, e.g. "hello world".hashCode() will call the hashCode method of the "hello world" String.

In case of multiple arguments and overloading, JEXL will make the best effort to find the most appropriate non ambiguous method to call.

Access Operator

Allows to evaluate a property of an object, a value of the collection or an array by using either square brackets or a dotted numeral, e.g. foo.bar will access the bar property of the foo Object. arr1[0] will access the first element of the arr1 array.

The safe-access operator foo?.bar shortcuts any null or non-existent references along the navigation path, allowing a safe-navigation free of errors. In the previous expression, if 'foo' is null, the whole expression will evaluate as null. This is an efficient shortcut to defensive expressions such as x?.y?.z that would otherwise be expressed as x? (x.y? (x.y.z ?: null) :null) : null.

Properties can also be quoted as in foo.'b a r' and can be dynamic back-quoted interpolation strings as in cal.`${dd.year}-${dd.month}-${dd.day}`. These syntaxes are mixable with safe-access as in foo.'b a r'?.quux or foo?.`${bar}`.quux.

The safe-access array operator (as in foo?[bar]) provides the same behavior as the safe-access operator and shortcuts any null or non-existent references along the navigation path, allowing a safe-navigation free of errors. In the previous expression, if 'foo' is null, the whole expression will evaluate as null. Note that this can also be used in a chain as in x?[y]?[z].

Access operators can be overloaded in JexlArithmetic, so that the operator behavior will differ depending on the type of the operator arguments

Evaluation Operator Performs computational, logical or comparative action between one, two or three arguments whose values are expressions, e.g. 40 + 2 will call the add operator between two integer literals.

All operators, except when stated otherwise, can be overloaded in JexlArithmetic, so that the action taken will differ depending on the type of the operator arguments

@annotation Annotations in JEXL are 'meta-statements'; they allow to wrap the execution of the JEXL statement in a user provided caller; typical example would be: @synchronized(x) x.someMethod();

Annotations may be declared with zero or more parameters; @lenient x.someMethod(); @synchronized(x) x.someMethod(); @parallel(pool, 8) x.someMethod();

They also can be chained as in: @lenient @silent x.someMethod();

Annotation processing is implemented by providing a JexlContext.AnnotationProcessor; its processAnnotation method will call the annotated statement encapsulated in a Callable. Annotation arguments are evaluated and passed as arguments to processAnnotation.


Item Description
Integer Literals 1 or more digits from 0 to 9, eg 42.
Float Literals 1 or more digits from 0 to 9, followed by a decimal point and then one or more digits from 0 to 9, optionally followed by f or F, eg 42.0 or 42.0f.
Long Literals 1 or more digits from 0 to 9 suffixed with l or L , eg 42l.
Double Literals 1 or more digits from 0 to 9, followed by a decimal point and then one or more digits from 0 to 9 suffixed with d or D , eg 42.0d. A special literal NaN can be used to denote Double.NaN constant
BigInteger Literals 1 or more digits from 0 to 9 suffixed with h or H (for Huge ala OGNL, "does not interfere with hexa-decimal digits"), eg 42h.
BigDecimal Literals 1 or more digits from 0 to 9, followed by a decimal point and then one or more digits from 0 to 9 suffixed with b or B) , eg 42.0b.
Natural literals - octal and hex support Natural numbers (i.e. Integer, Long, BigInteger) can also be expressed as octal or hexadecimal using the same format as Java. i.e. prefix the number with 0 for octal, and prefix with 0x or 0X for hexadecimal. For example 010 or 0x10.
Real literals - exponent support Real numbers (i.e. Float, Double, BigDecimal) can also be expressed using standard Java exponent notation. i.e. suffix the number with e or E followed by the sign + or - followed by one or more decimal digits. For example 42.0E-1D or 42.0E+3B.
String literals Can start and end with either ' or " delimiters, e.g. "Hello world" and 'Hello world' are equivalent.

The escape character is \ (backslash). Unicode characters can be used in string literals;

    Unicode escape sequences consist of:
  • a backslash '\'
  • a 'u'
  • 4 hexadecimal digits ([0-9],[A-H],[a-h]).
Such sequences represent the UTF-16 encoding of a Unicode character, for example, 'a' is equivalent to '\u0061'.
Multiline format literals Start and end with ` delimiter - back-quote -, e.g. `Hello world`

The escape character is \ (backslash); Unicode escape sequences can also be used.

These format literals can span multiple lines and allow Unified JEXL expressions (JSTL like expressions) to be interpolated. If a variable user valued JEXLis present in the environment - whether as a local or global variable -, the format `Hello ${user}` will evaluate as Hello JEXL.
Regular expression (regex) literals Start with ~/ and ends with / delimiters, e.g. ~/ABC.*/

The escape character is \ (backslash); it only escapes the string delimiter \ (slash)

Boolean literals The literals true and false can be used, e.g. val1 == true
Null literal The null value is represented as in java using the literal null, e.g. val1 == null
Array literal A [ followed by zero or more expressions separated by , and ending with ], e.g. [ 1, 2, "three" ]

This syntax creates an Object[].

Empty array literal can be specified as [] with result of creating Object[]

JEXL will attempt to strongly type the array; if all entries are of the same class or if all entries are Number instance, the array literal will be an MyClass[] in the former case, a Number[] in the latter case.

Furthermore, if all entries in the array literal are of the same class and that class has an equivalent primitive type, the array returned will be a primitive array. e.g. [1, 2, 3] will be interpreted as int[].

List literal A [ followed by zero or more expressions separated by , and ending with ,...], e.g. [ 1, 2, "three",...]

This syntax creates an ArrayList<Object>.

Empty list literal can be specified as [...]

Set literal A { followed by zero or more expressions separated by , and ending with }, e.g. { "one" , 2, "more"}

This syntax creates a HashSet<Object>.

Empty set literal can be specified as {}

Map literal A { followed by zero or more sets of key : value pairs separated by , and ending with }, e.g. { "one" : 1, "two" : 2, "three" : 3, "more": "many more" }

This syntax creates a HashMap<Object,Object>.

Empty map literal can be specified as {:}

Range literal A value followed by .. and ending with other value, e.g. 1 .. 42

This syntax creates a 'range' object in the form of a java iterable which can be used in for statement, e.g. for (i : 1..42) a = a + b[i]


Function Description
empty Evaluates whether an expression if 'empty'. This is true when the argument is:
  1. null
  2. An instance of class C and the derived JexlArithmetic overloads a method 'public boolean empty(C arg)' that returns true when the argument is considered empty
  3. An empty string
  4. An array of length zero
  5. A collection of size zero
  6. An empty map
  7. Defining a method 'public boolean isEmpty()' that returns true when the instance is considered empty
This is false in other cases (besides errors). empty(arg)
size Evaluates the 'size' of an expression. This returns:
  1. 0 if the argument is null
  2. The result of calling a method from a derived JexlArithmetic overload 'public int size(C arg)', C being the class of the argument
  3. Length of an array
  4. Length of a string
  5. Size of a Collection
  6. Size of a Map
  7. The result of calling a method 'public int size()' defined by the argument class
This returns 0 in other cases (besides errors). size("Hello") returns 5.
new Creates a new instance using a fully-qualified class name or Class: new("java.lang.Double", 10) returns 10.0.

Note that the first argument of new can be a variable or any expression evaluating as a String or Class; the rest of the arguments are used as arguments to the constructor for the class considered.

In case of multiple constructors, JEXL will make the best effort to find the most appropriate non ambiguous constructor to call.

Alternatively, using #pragma jexl.import java.langcode>, one can use the following syntax: new Double(10).

Top level function Top level function is a function which can be invoked without specifying a namespace.

Top level function can be defined by the function definition method inside the script

A JexlContext can define methods which can be invoked as top level functions. This can allow expressions like: string(23.0)

Another way to define top level function is to register to JexlEngine objects or classes with null namespace.

ns:function A JexlEngine can register objects or classes used as function namespaces. This can allow expressions like: math:cosinus(23.0)


Operator Description
Boolean and

The usual && operator can be used as well as the word and, e.g. cond1 and cond2 and cond1 && cond2 are equivalent.

Note that this operator can not be overloaded

Boolean or

The usual || operator can be used as well as the word or, e.g. cond1 or cond2 and cond1 || cond2 are equivalent.

Note that this operator can not be overloaded

Boolean not

The usual ! operator can be used as well as the word not, e.g. !cond1 and not cond1 are equivalent.

Note that this operator can not be overloaded

Bitwise and The usual & operator is used, e.g. 33 & 4, 0010 0001 & 0000 0100 = 0.
Bitwise or The usual | operator is used, e.g. 33 | 4, 0010 0001 | 0000 0100 = 0010 0101 = 37.
Bitwise xor The usual ^ operator is used, e.g. 33 ^ 4, 0010 0001 ^ 0000 0100 = 0010 0100 = 37.
Bitwise complement The usual ~ operator is used, e.g. ~33, ~0010 0001 = 1101 1110 = -34.
Left-shift << The left shift operator (<<) shifts the first operand the specified number of bits to the left. 1 << 2 = 4
Right-shift >> The right shift operator (>>) shifts the first operand the specified number of bits to the right. 4 >> 2 = 1
Unsigned Right-shift >>> (zero-fill right shift) shifts the first operand the specified number of bits to the right. The sign bit becomes 0, so the result is always non-negative.
Ternary conditional ?: The usual ternary conditional operator condition ? if_true : if_false operator can be used as well as the abbreviation value ?: if_false which returns the value if its evaluation is defined, non-null and non-false, e.g. val1 ? val1 : val2 and val1 ?: val2 are equivalent.

NOTE: The condition will evaluate to false when it refers to an undefined variable or null for all JexlEngine flag combinations. This allows explicit syntactic leniency and treats the condition 'if undefined or null or false' the same way in all cases.

Note that this operator can not be overloaded

Null coalescing operator ?? The null coalescing operator returns the result of its first operand if it is defined and is not null.

When xandyare null or undefined, x ?? 'unknown or null x' evaluates as 'unknown or null x' y ?? "default" evaluates as "default".

When var x = 42 and var y = "forty-two",x??"other" evaluates as 42 and y??"other" evaluates as "forty-two".

NOTE: this operator does not behave like the ternary conditional since it does not coerce the first argument to a boolean to evaluate the condition. When var x = false and var y = 0,x??true evaluates as false and y??1 evaluates as 0.

Note that this operator can not be overloaded

Equality The equality == operator checks whether its two operands are equal, returning a Boolean result. Unlike the strict equality operator, it attempts to convert and compare operands that are of different types.
  1. null is only ever equal to null, that is if you compare null to any non-null value, the result is false.
  2. Equality uses the java equals method
Inequality The inequality != operator checks whether its two operands are not equal, returning a Boolean result. Unlike the strict inequality operator, it attempts to convert and compare operands that are of different types.
Strict-Equality The strict equality === operator checks whether its two operands are equal, returning a Boolean result. Unlike the equality operator, the strict equality operator always considers operands of different types to be different.
Strict Inequality The strict inequality !== operator checks whether its two operands are not equal, returning a Boolean result. Unlike the inequality operator, the strict inequality operator always considers operands of different types to be different
Less Than The usual < operator can be used as well as the abbreviation lt. For example val1 < val2 and val1 lt val2 are equivalent.
Less Than Or Equal To The usual <= operator can be used as well as the abbreviation le. For example val1 <= val2 and val1 le val2 are equivalent.
Greater Than The usual > operator can be used as well as the abbreviation gt. For example val1 > val2 and val1 gt val2 are equivalent.
Greater Than Or Equal To The usual >= operator can be used as well as the abbreviation ge. For example val1 >= val2 and val1 ge val2 are equivalent.
In or Match=~ The syntactically Perl inspired =~ operator can be used to check that a string matches a regular expression (expressed either a Java String or a java.util.regex.Pattern). For example "abcdef" =~ "abc.* returns true. It also checks whether any collection, set or map (on keys) contains a value or not; in that case, it behaves as an "in" operator. Note that arrays and user classes exposing a public 'contains' method will allow their instances to behave as right-hand side operands of this operator. "a" =~ ["a","b","c","d","e",f"] returns true.
Not-In or Not-Match!~ The syntactically Perl inspired !~ operator can be used to check that a string does not match a regular expression (expressed either a Java String or a java.util.regex.Pattern). For example "abcdef" !~ "abc.* returns false. It also checks whether any collection, set or map (on keys) does not contain a value; in that case, it behaves as "not in" operator. Note that arrays and user classes exposing a public 'contains' method will allow their instances to behave as right-hand side operands of this operator. "a" !~ ["a","b","c","d","e",f"] returns false.
Starts With=^ The =^ operator is a short-hand for the 'startsWith' method. For example, "abcdef" =^ "abc" returns true. Note that through duck-typing, user classes exposing a public 'startsWith' method will allow their instances to behave as left-hand side operands of this operator.
Not Starts With!^ This is the negation of the 'starts with' operator. a !^ "abc" is equivalent to !(a =^ "abc")
Ends With=$ The =$ operator is a short-hand for the 'endsWith' method. For example, "abcdef" =$ "def" returns true. Note that through duck-typing, user classes exposing an 'endsWith' method will allow their instances to behave as left-hand side operands of this operator.
Not Ends With!$ This is the negation of the 'ends with' operator. a !$ "abc" is equivalent to !(a =$ "abc")
Addition The usual + operator is used. For example val1 + val2
Subtraction The usual - operator is used. For example val1 - val2
Multiplication The usual * operator is used. For example val1 * val2
Division The usual / operator is used, or one can use the div operator. For example val1 / val2 or val1 div val2
Modulus (or remainder) The % operator is used. An alternative is the mod operator. For example 5 mod 2 gives 1 and is equivalent to 5 % 2
Side-effect operators Some operators exist in side-effect forms. Their default behavior is to execute the operator and assign the left-hand side with the result. For instance a += 2 is equivalent to a = a + 2 The list of operators is:
  • +=
  • -=
  • *=
  • /=
  • %=
  • &=
  • |=
  • ^=
  • <<=
  • >>=
  • >>>=
Negate The unary - operator is used. It changes the sign of its numeric argument. For example -12 or -(a * b)
Positivize The unary + operator is used. It performs an integral promotion meaning that byte, short, char arguments will be promoted to integer as a result. For example +12 or +(a * b)
Empty The unary empty operator behaves exactly as the corresponding function empty(). For example empty arg and empty(arg) are equivalent
Size The unary size operator behaves exactly as the corresponding function size(). For example size [1,2,3] and size([1,2,3]) are equivalent
instanceof/!instanceof The instanceof operator allows to check whether an object belongs to a certain class. It is using Class.isInstance to perform the check. As a convenience, {{ !instanceof }} is supported as well.


Operator Description
Array access Array elements may be accessed using either square brackets or a dotted numeral, e.g. arr1[0] and arr1.0 are equivalent
List access List elements may be accessed using either square brackets or a dotted numeral, e.g. list[0] and list.0 are equivalent
Map access Map elements are accessed using square brackets, e.g. map[0]; map['name']; map[var]; Note that map['7'] and map[7] refer to different elements. Map elements with a numeric key may also be accessed using a dotted numeral, e.g. map[0] and map.0 are equivalent.

Note that map.1 and map.01 refer to different elements, while map.1 and map[01] are equivalent.

JavaBean property access Properties of JavaBean objects that define appropriate getter methods can be accessed using either square brackets or a dotted numeral, e.g. foo['bar'] and foo.bar are equivalent. The appropriate Foo.getBar() method will be called.

Note that both foo.Bar and foo.bar can be used

Indexed JavaBean property access Indexed properties of JavaBean objects that define appropriate getter methods can be accessed using either square brackets or a dotted numeral, e.g. x.attribute['name'] and x.attribute.name are equivalent. The appropriate Foo.getAttribute(String index) method will be called
Public field access Public fields of java objects can be accessed using either square brackets or a dotted numeral, e.g. foo['bar'] and foo.bar are equivalent.
Duck-typed collection property access Properties of Java classes that define public Object get(String name) method can be accessed using either square brackets or a dotted numeral, e.g. foo['bar'] and foo.bar are equivalent. The appropriate Foo.get(String index) method will be called with the argument of "bar" String


Statement Description
if Classic, if/else statement, e.g. if ((x * 2) == 5) { y = 1; } else { y = 2; }

Loop through items of an Array, Collection, Map, Iterator or Enumeration, e.g. for (let item : list) { x = x + item; } Where list is a context variable pointing to any iterable structure.

The following syntax using a context variable is also supported: for (item : list) { x = x + item; } Note that the loop variable item is accessible after loop evaluation

Finally, the conventional syntax using a local variable, initial value, loop condition and loop step is supported. for (let i = 0; i < size(list); ++i) { x = x + list[i]; } Where list is a local variable pointing to an array-like structure.

The JEXL 1.1 syntax using foreach(item in list) is now unsupported.

while Loop until a condition is satisfied, e.g. while (x < 10) { x = x + 2; }
do/while Loop until a condition is satisfied, e.g. do { x = x + 2; } while (x < 10)

Control Flow

Statement Description
if Classic, if/else statement, e.g.
if ((x * 2) == 5) { y = 1; } else { y = 2; }
continue Within loops (do/while/for), terminates execution of the statements in the current iteration and skips to the next loop iteration.
let text = ''; for (let i : (4..2)) { if (i === 3) { continue; } text += i; } text; Will evaluate as "42".
break Within loops (do/while/for), terminates execution of the statements in the current iteration and exits the loop.
let i = 33; while (i < 66) { if (i == 42) { break; } i += 1; } i; Will evaluate as 42.
return The return statement ends execution and specifies a value to be returned to the script or lambda caller.
function f(x) { if (x == 42) { return "The answer to life, the universe, and everything"; } return x } f(41); Will evaluate as 41.
throw The throw statement throws an object. Execution of the current script will stop (the statements after throw won't be executed), and control will be passed to the first catch block in the call stack. If no catch block exists among caller functions, script execution will terminate.
try/catch/finally The try...catch statement is comprised of a try block and either a catch block, a finally block, or both. The code in the try block is executed first, and if it throws an exception, the code in the catch block will be executed. The code in the finally block will always be executed before control flow exits the entire construct.
try { return 42/0; } catch (let e) { // handle the error }

The following syntax is also supported:

try { return 42/0; } catch (var e) { // handle the error }
try-with-resources The try-with-resources statement is a try statement that declares one or more resources. The try-with-resources statement ensures that each resource is closed at the end of the statement; any object that exposes a close() method will see that method invoked.
let g = open("g"); try(let f = open("f"), g) { // more code }