 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.commons.jexl3;

 * The JEXL operators.
 * These are the operators that are executed by JexlArithmetic methods.
 * <p>Each of them  associates a symbol to a method signature.
 * For instance, '+' is associated to 'T add(L x, R y)'.</p>
 * <p>The default JexlArithmetic implements generic versions of these methods using Object as arguments.
 * You can use your own derived JexlArithmetic that override and/or overload those operator methods.
 * Note that these are overloads by convention, not actual Java overloads.
 * The following rules apply to all operator methods:</p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>Operator methods should be public</li>
 * <li>Operators return type should be respected when primitive (int, boolean,...)</li>
 * <li>Operators may be overloaded multiple times with different signatures</li>
 * <li>Operators may return JexlEngine.TRY_AGAIN to fallback on default JEXL implementation</li>
 * </ul>
 * For side effect operators, operators that modify the left-hand size value (+=, -=, etc), the user implemented
 * overload methods may return:
 * <ul>
 *     <li>JexlEngine.TRY_FAIL to let the default fallback behavior be executed.</li>
 *     <li>Any other value will be used as the new value to be assigned to the left-hand-side.</li>
 * </ul>
 * Note that side effect operators always return the left-hand side value (with an exception for postfix ++ and --).
 * @since 3.0
public enum JexlOperator {

     * Add operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x + y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T add(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#add(Object, Object)
    ADD("+", "add", 2),

     * Subtract operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x - y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T subtract(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#subtract(Object, Object)
    SUBTRACT("-", "subtract", 2),

     * Multiply operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x * y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T multiply(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#multiply(Object, Object)
    MULTIPLY("*", "multiply", 2),

     * Divide operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x / y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T divide(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#divide(Object, Object)
    DIVIDE("/", "divide", 2),

     * Modulo operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x % y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T mod(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#mod(Object, Object)
    MOD("%", "mod", 2),

     * Bitwise-and operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x &amp; y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T and(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#and(Object, Object)
    AND("&", "and", 2),

     * Bitwise-or operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x | y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T or(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#or(Object, Object)
    OR("|", "or", 2),

     * Bitwise-xor operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x ^ y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T xor(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#xor(Object, Object)
    XOR("^", "xor", 2),

     * Bit-pattern right-shift operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x &gt;&gt; y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T rightShift(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#shiftRight(Object, Object)
    SHIFTRIGHT(">>", "shiftRight", 2),

     * Bit-pattern right-shift unsigned operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x &gt;&gt;&gt; y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T rightShiftUnsigned(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#shiftRightUnsigned(Object, Object)
    SHIFTRIGHTU(">>>", "shiftRightUnsigned", 2),

     * Bit-pattern left-shift operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x &lt;&lt; y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T leftShift(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#shiftLeft(Object, Object)
    SHIFTLEFT("<<", "shiftLeft", 2),

     * Equals operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x == y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>boolean equals(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#equals(Object, Object)
    EQ("==", "equals", 2),

     * Equal-strict operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x === y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>boolean strictEquals(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#strictEquals(Object, Object)
    EQSTRICT("===", "strictEquals", 2),

     * Less-than operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x &lt; y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>boolean lessThan(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#lessThan(Object, Object)
    LT("<", "lessThan", 2),

     * Less-than-or-equal operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x &lt;= y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>boolean lessThanOrEqual(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#lessThanOrEqual(Object, Object)
    LTE("<=", "lessThanOrEqual", 2),

     * Greater-than operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x &gt; y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>boolean greaterThan(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#greaterThan(Object, Object)
    GT(">", "greaterThan", 2),

     * Greater-than-or-equal operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x &gt;= y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>boolean greaterThanOrEqual(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#greaterThanOrEqual(Object, Object)
    GTE(">=", "greaterThanOrEqual", 2),

     * Contains operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x =~ y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>boolean contains(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#contains(Object, Object)
    CONTAINS("=~", "contains", 2),

     * Starts-with operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x =^ y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>boolean startsWith(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#startsWith(Object, Object)
    STARTSWITH("=^", "startsWith", 2),

     * Ends-with operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x =$ y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>boolean endsWith(L x, R y);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#endsWith(Object, Object)
    ENDSWITH("=$", "endsWith", 2),

     * Not operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>!x</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T not(L x);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#not(Object)
    NOT("!", "not", 1),

     * Complement operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>~x</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T complement(L x);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#complement(Object)
    COMPLEMENT("~", "complement", 1),

     * Negate operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>-x</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T negate(L x);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#negate(Object)
    NEGATE("-", "negate", 1),

     * Positivize operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>+x</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T positivize(L x);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#positivize(Object)
    POSITIVIZE("+", "positivize", 1),

     * Empty operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>empty x</code> or <code>empty(x)</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>boolean empty(L x);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#empty(Object)
    EMPTY("empty", "empty", 1),

     * Size operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>size x</code> or <code>size(x)</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>int size(L x);</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#size(Object)
    SIZE("size", "size", 1),

     * Self-add operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x += y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T selfAdd(L x, R y);</code>.
    SELF_ADD("+=", "selfAdd", ADD),

     * Self-subtract operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x -= y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T selfSubtract(L x, R y);</code>.
    SELF_SUBTRACT("-=", "selfSubtract", SUBTRACT),

     * Self-multiply operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x *= y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T selfMultiply(L x, R y);</code>.
    SELF_MULTIPLY("*=", "selfMultiply", MULTIPLY),

     * Self-divide operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x /= y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T selfDivide(L x, R y);</code>.
    SELF_DIVIDE("/=", "selfDivide", DIVIDE),

     * Self-modulo operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x %= y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T selfMod(L x, R y);</code>.
    SELF_MOD("%=", "selfMod", MOD),

     * Self-and operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x &amp;= y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T selfAnd(L x, R y);</code>.
    SELF_AND("&=", "selfAnd", AND),

     * Self-or operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x |= y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T selfOr(L x, R y);</code>.
    SELF_OR("|=", "selfOr", OR),

     * Self-xor operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x ^= y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T selfXor(L x, R y);</code>.
    SELF_XOR("^=", "selfXor", XOR),

     * Self-right-shift operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x &gt;&gt;= y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T selfShiftRight(L x, R y);</code>.
    SELF_SHIFTRIGHT(">>=", "selfShiftRight", SHIFTRIGHT),

     * Self-right-shift unsigned operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x &gt;&gt;&gt; y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T selfShiftRightUnsigned(L x, R y);</code>.
    SELF_SHIFTRIGHTU(">>>=", "selfShiftRightUnsigned", SHIFTRIGHTU),

     * Self-left-shift operator.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x &lt;&lt; y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T selfShiftLeft(L x, R y);</code>.
    SELF_SHIFTLEFT("<<=", "selfShiftLeft", SHIFTLEFT),

     * Increment pseudo-operator.
     * <br>No syntax, used as helper for the prefix and postfix versions of <code>++</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#increment(Object)
    INCREMENT("+1", "increment", 1),

     * Decrement pseudo-operator.
     * <br>No syntax, used as helper for the prefix and postfix versions of <code>--</code>.
     * @see JexlArithmetic#decrement(Object)
    DECREMENT("-1", "decrement", 1),

     * Prefix ++ operator, increments and returns the value after incrementing.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>++x</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T incrementAndGet(L x);</code>.
    INCREMENT_AND_GET("++.", "incrementAndGet", INCREMENT, 1),

     * Postfix ++, increments and returns the value before incrementing.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x++</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T getAndIncrement(L x);</code>.
    GET_AND_INCREMENT(".++", "getAndIncrement", INCREMENT, 1),

     * Prefix --, decrements and returns the value after decrementing.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>--x</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T decrementAndGet(L x);</code>.
    DECREMENT_AND_GET("--.", "decrementAndGet", DECREMENT, 1),

     * Postfix --, decrements and returns the value before decrementing.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x--</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>T getAndDecrement(L x);</code>.
    GET_AND_DECREMENT(".--", "getAndDecrement", DECREMENT, 1),

     * Marker for side effect.
     * <br>Returns this from 'self*' overload method to let the engine know the side effect has been performed and
     * there is no need to assign the result.
    ASSIGN("=", null, null),

     * Property get operator as in: x.y.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x.y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>Object propertyGet(L x, R y);</code>.
    PROPERTY_GET(".", "propertyGet", 2),

     * Property set operator as in: x.y = z.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x.y = z</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>void propertySet(L x, R y, V z);</code>.
    PROPERTY_SET(".=", "propertySet", 3),

     * Array get operator as in: x[y].
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x.y</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>Object arrayGet(L x, R y);</code>.
    ARRAY_GET("[]", "arrayGet", 2),

     * Array set operator as in: x[y] = z.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>x[y] = z</code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>void arraySet(L x, R y, V z);</code>.
    ARRAY_SET("[]=", "arraySet", 3),

     * Iterator generator as in for(var x : y).
     * If the returned Iterator is AutoCloseable, close will be called after the last execution of the loop block.
     * <br><strong>Syntax:</strong> <code>for(var x : y){...} </code>
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>Iterator&lt;Object&gt; forEach(R y);</code>.
     * @since 3.1
    FOR_EACH("for(...)", "forEach", 1),

     * Test condition in if, for, while.
     * <br><strong>Method:</strong> <code>boolean testCondition(R y);</code>.
     * @since 3.3
    CONDITION("?", "testCondition", 1);

     * The operator symbol.
    private final String operator;

     * The associated operator method name.
    private final String methodName;

     * The method arity (ie number of arguments).
    private final int arity;

     * The base operator.
    private final JexlOperator base;

     * Creates a base operator.
     * @param o    the operator name
     * @param m    the method name associated to this operator in a JexlArithmetic
     * @param argc the number of parameters for the method
    JexlOperator(final String o, final String m, final int argc) {
        this(o, m, null, argc);

     * Creates a side effect operator with arity == 2.
     * @param o the operator name
     * @param m the method name associated to this operator in a JexlArithmetic
     * @param b the base operator, ie + for +=
    JexlOperator(final String o, final String m, final JexlOperator b) {
        this(o, m, b, 2);

     * Creates a side effect operator.
     * @param o the operator name
     * @param m the method name associated to this operator in a JexlArithmetic
     * @param b the base operator, ie + for +=
     * @param a the operator arity
    JexlOperator(final String o, final String m, final JexlOperator b, final int a) {
        this.operator = o;
        this.methodName = m;
        this.arity = a;
        this.base = b;

     * Gets this operator number of parameters.
     * @return the method arity
    public int getArity() {
        return arity;

     * Gets the base operator.
     * @return the base operator
    public final JexlOperator getBaseOperator() {
        return base;

     * Gets this operator method name in a JexlArithmetic.
     * @return the method name
    public final String getMethodName() {
        return methodName;

     * Gets this operator symbol.
     * @return the symbol
    public final String getOperatorSymbol() {
        return operator;
