 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.commons.imaging.formats.png.chunks;

import java.util.Objects;

import org.apache.commons.imaging.common.BinaryFileParser;

 * A PNG image is composed of several chunks. This is the base class for the chunks, used by the parser.
 * @see <a href="">Portable_Network_Graphics</a>
public class PngChunk extends BinaryFileParser {

    private final int length;
    private final int chunkType;
    private final int crc;
    private final byte[] bytes;

    private final boolean[] propertyBits;
    private final boolean ancillary;
    private final boolean isPrivate;
    private final boolean reserved;
    private final boolean safeToCopy;

     * Constructs a new instance.
     * @param length    chunk length
     * @param chunkType chunk type
     * @param crc       CRC computed over the chunk type and chunk data (but not the length)
     * @param bytes     chunk data bytes
     * @throws NullPointerException if bytes is null.
    public PngChunk(final int length, final int chunkType, final int crc, final byte[] bytes) {
        this.length = length;
        this.chunkType = chunkType;
        this.crc = crc;
        this.bytes = Objects.requireNonNull(bytes, "bytes").clone();

        propertyBits = new boolean[4];
        int shift = 24;
        final int theMask = 1 << 5;
        for (int i = 0; i < propertyBits.length; i++) {
            final int theByte = 0xff & chunkType >> shift;
            shift -= 8;
            propertyBits[i] = (theByte & theMask) > 0;

        ancillary = propertyBits[0];
        isPrivate = propertyBits[1];
        reserved = propertyBits[2];
        safeToCopy = propertyBits[3];

     * Gets a copy of the chunk bytes.
     * @return the chunk bytes
    public byte[] getBytes() {
        return bytes.clone();

    public int getChunkType() {
        return chunkType;

    public int getCrc() {
        return crc;

     * Gets a new {@link ByteArrayInputStream} for the chunk bytes.
     * <p>
     * The caller is responsible for closing the resource.
     * </p>
     * @return a ByteArrayInputStream for the chunk bytes
    protected ByteArrayInputStream getDataStream() {
        return new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);

    public int getLength() {
        return length;

     * Gets a copy of the chunk property bits.
     * @return the chunk property bits
    public boolean[] getPropertyBits() {
        return propertyBits.clone();

    public boolean isAncillary() {
        return ancillary;

    public boolean isPrivate() {
        return isPrivate;

    public boolean isReserved() {
        return reserved;

    public boolean isSafeToCopy() {
        return safeToCopy;
