Class PaletteFactory


public class PaletteFactory extends Object
Factory for creating palettes.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • countTransparentColors

    • countTrasparentColors

      public int countTrasparentColors(int[] rgbs)
    • hasTransparency

      public boolean hasTransparency(BufferedImage src)
    • hasTransparency

      public boolean hasTransparency(BufferedImage src, int threshold)
    • isGrayscale

      public boolean isGrayscale(BufferedImage src)
    • makeExactRgbPaletteFancy

      Builds an exact complete opaque palette containing all the colors in src, using an algorithm that is faster than makeExactRgbPaletteSimple(java.awt.image.BufferedImage, int) for large images but uses 2 mebibytes of working memory. Treats all the colors as opaque.
      src - the image whose palette to build
      the palette
    • makeExactRgbPaletteSimple

      Builds an exact complete opaque palette containing all the colors in src, and fails by returning null if there are more than max colors necessary to do this.
      src - the image whose palette to build
      max - the maximum number of colors the palette can contain
      the complete palette of max or less colors, or null if more than max colors are necessary
    • makeQuantizedRgbaPalette

      public Palette makeQuantizedRgbaPalette(BufferedImage src, boolean transparent, int max) throws ImagingException
      Builds an inexact possibly translucent palette of at most max colors in src using the traditional Median Cut algorithm. Color bounding boxes are split along the longest axis, with each step splitting the box. All bits in each component are used. The Algorithm is slower and seems exact than makeQuantizedRgbPalette(BufferedImage, int).
      src - the image whose palette to build
      transparent - whether to consider the alpha values
      max - the maximum number of colors the palette can contain
      the palette of at most max colors
      ImagingException - if it fails to process the palette
    • makeQuantizedRgbPalette

      Builds an inexact opaque palette of at most max colors in src using a variation of the Median Cut algorithm. Accurate to 6 bits per component, and works by splitting the color bounding box most heavily populated by colors along the component which splits the colors in that box most evenly.
      src - the image whose palette to build
      max - the maximum number of colors the palette can contain
      the palette of at most max colors