Package org.apache.commons.imaging.color

package org.apache.commons.imaging.color
Color spaces and conversions between them.
  • Classes
    Represents a color in the CIELAB color space, also known as LAB color space.
    Represents a color in the CIELCH color space.
    Represents a color in the CIELUV color space..
    Represents a color in the CMY color space.
    Represents a color in the CMYK color space.
    Represents a color in the DIN99 color space, a derivation of the CIE LAB color space.
    Represents a color in the HSL color space.
    Represents a color in the HSV color space.
    Represents a color in the Hunter Lab color space.
    Represents a color in the CIE 1931 color space, also known as XYZ color space.