 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.commons.geometry.spherical.twod;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

/** Great arc connector that selects between multiple connection options
 * based on the resulting interior angle. An interior angle in this
 * case is the angle created between an incoming arc and an outgoing arc
 * as measured on the minus (interior) side of the incoming arc. If looking
 * along the direction of the incoming arc, smaller interior angles
 * point more to the left and larger ones point more to the right.
 * <p>This class provides two concrete implementations: {@link Maximize} and
 * {@link Minimize}, which choose connections with the largest or smallest interior
 * angles respectively.
 * </p>
public abstract class InteriorAngleGreatArcConnector extends AbstractGreatArcConnector {
    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected ConnectableGreatArc selectConnection(final ConnectableGreatArc incoming,
            final List<ConnectableGreatArc> outgoing) {

        // search for the best connection
        final GreatCircle circle = incoming.getArc().getCircle();

        double selectedInteriorAngle = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        ConnectableGreatArc selected = null;

        for (final ConnectableGreatArc candidate : outgoing) {
            final double interiorAngle = Math.PI - circle.angle(candidate.getArc().getCircle(),

            if (selected == null || isBetterAngle(interiorAngle, selectedInteriorAngle)) {
                selectedInteriorAngle = interiorAngle;
                selected = candidate;

        return selected;

    /** Return true if {@code newAngle} represents a better interior angle than {@code previousAngle}.
     * @param newAngle the new angle under consideration
     * @param previousAngle the previous best angle
     * @return true if {@code newAngle} represents a better interior angle than {@code previousAngle}
    protected abstract boolean isBetterAngle(double newAngle, double previousAngle);

    /** Convenience method for connecting a set of arcs with interior angles maximized
     * when possible. This method is equivalent to {@code new Maximize().connect(segments)}.
     * @param arcs arcs to connect
     * @return a list of connected arc paths
     * @see Maximize
    public static List<GreatArcPath> connectMaximized(final Collection<GreatArc> arcs) {
        return new Maximize().connectAll(arcs);

    /** Convenience method for connecting a set of line segments with interior angles minimized
     * when possible. This method is equivalent to {@code new Minimize().connect(segments)}.
     * @param arcs arcs to connect
     * @return a list of connected arc paths
     * @see Minimize
    public static List<GreatArcPath> connectMinimized(final Collection<GreatArc> arcs) {
        return new Minimize().connectAll(arcs);

    /** Implementation of {@link InteriorAngleGreatArcConnector} that chooses arc
     * connections that produce the largest interior angles. Another way to visualize this is
     * that when presented multiple connection options for a given arc, this class will
     * choose the option that points most to the right when viewed in the direction of the incoming
     * arc.
    public static class Maximize extends InteriorAngleGreatArcConnector {
        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        protected boolean isBetterAngle(final double newAngle, final double previousAngle) {
            return newAngle > previousAngle;

    /** Implementation of {@link InteriorAngleGreatArcConnector} that chooses arc
     * connections that produce the smallest interior angles. Another way to visualize this is
     * that when presented multiple connection options for a given arc, this class will
     * choose the option that points most to the left when viewed in the direction of the incoming
     * arc.
    public static class Minimize extends InteriorAngleGreatArcConnector {
        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        protected boolean isBetterAngle(final double newAngle, final double previousAngle) {
            return newAngle < previousAngle;