 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.commons.configuration2.resolver;

import java.util.Vector;

import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.interpol.ConfigurationInterpolator;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemProperties;
import org.apache.xml.resolver.CatalogException;
import org.apache.xml.resolver.readers.CatalogReader;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

 * Thin wrapper around xml commons CatalogResolver to allow list of catalogs to be provided.
 * @since 1.7
public class CatalogResolver implements EntityResolver {
     * Overrides the Catalog implementation to use the underlying FileSystem.
    public static class Catalog extends org.apache.xml.resolver.Catalog {
        /** The FileSystem */
        private FileSystem fs;

        /** FileNameMap to determine the mime type */
        private final FileNameMap fileNameMap = URLConnection.getFileNameMap();

         * Load the catalogs.
         * @throws IOException if an error occurs.
        public void loadSystemCatalogs() throws IOException {
            fs = ((CatalogManager) catalogManager).getFileSystem();
            final String base = ((CatalogManager) catalogManager).getBaseDir();

            // This is safe because the catalog manager returns a vector of strings.
            final Vector<String> catalogs = catalogManager.getCatalogFiles();
            if (catalogs != null) {
                for (int count = 0; count < catalogs.size(); count++) {
                    final String fileName = catalogs.elementAt(count);

                    URL url = null;
                    InputStream inputStream = null;

                    try {
                        url = locate(fs, base, fileName);
                        if (url != null) {
                            inputStream = fs.getInputStream(url);
                    } catch (final ConfigurationException ce) {
                        final String name = url.toString();
                        // Ignore the exception.
                        catalogManager.debug.message(DEBUG_ALL, "Unable to get input stream for " + name + ". " + ce.getMessage());
                    if (inputStream != null) {
                        final String mimeType = fileNameMap.getContentTypeFor(fileName);
                        try {
                            if (mimeType != null) {
                                parseCatalog(mimeType, inputStream);
                        } catch (final Exception ex) {
                            // Ignore the exception.
                            catalogManager.debug.message(DEBUG_ALL, "Exception caught parsing input stream for " + fileName + ". " + ex.getMessage());
                        } finally {
                    parseCatalog(base, fileName);


         * Performs character normalization on a URI reference.
         * @param uriref The URI reference
         * @return The normalized URI reference.
        protected String normalizeURI(final String uriref) {
            final ConfigurationInterpolator ci = ((CatalogManager) catalogManager).getInterpolator();
            final String resolved = ci != null ? String.valueOf(ci.interpolate(uriref)) : uriref;
            return super.normalizeURI(resolved);

         * Parses the specified catalog file.
         * @param baseDir The base directory, if not included in the file name.
         * @param fileName The catalog file. May be a full URI String.
         * @throws IOException If an error occurs.
        public void parseCatalog(final String baseDir, final String fileName) throws IOException {
            base = locate(fs, baseDir, fileName);
            catalogCwd = base;
            default_override = catalogManager.getPreferPublic();
            catalogManager.debug.message(DEBUG_NORMAL, "Parse catalog: " + fileName);

            boolean parsed = false;

            for (int count = 0; !parsed && count < readerArr.size(); count++) {
                final CatalogReader reader = (CatalogReader) readerArr.get(count);
                InputStream inputStream;

                try {
                    inputStream = fs.getInputStream(base);
                } catch (final Exception ex) {
                    catalogManager.debug.message(DEBUG_NORMAL, "Unable to access " + base + ex.getMessage());

                try {
                    reader.readCatalog(this, inputStream);
                    parsed = true;
                } catch (final CatalogException ce) {
                    catalogManager.debug.message(DEBUG_NORMAL, "Parse failed for " + fileName + ce.getMessage());
                    if (ce.getExceptionType() == CatalogException.PARSE_FAILED) {
                    // try again!
                } finally {
                    try {
                    } catch (final IOException ioe) {
                        // Ignore the exception.
                        inputStream = null;

            if (parsed) {

     * Extends the CatalogManager to make the FileSystem and base directory accessible.
    public static class CatalogManager extends org.apache.xml.resolver.CatalogManager {
        /** The static catalog used by this manager. */
        private static org.apache.xml.resolver.Catalog staticCatalog;

        /** The FileSystem */
        private FileSystem fs;

        /** The base directory */
        private String baseDir = SystemProperties.getUserDir();

        /** The object for handling interpolation. */
        private ConfigurationInterpolator interpolator;

         * Gets the base directory.
         * @return The base directory.
        public String getBaseDir() {
            return this.baseDir;

         * Gets a catalog instance.
         * If this manager uses static catalogs, the same static catalog will always be returned. Otherwise a new catalog will
         * be returned.
         * @return The Catalog.
        public org.apache.xml.resolver.Catalog getCatalog() {
            return getPrivateCatalog();

         * Gets the FileSystem.
         * @return The FileSystem.
        public FileSystem getFileSystem() {
            return this.fs;

         * Gets the ConfigurationInterpolator.
         * @return the ConfigurationInterpolator.
        public ConfigurationInterpolator getInterpolator() {
            return interpolator;

         * Gets a new catalog instance. This method is only overridden because xml-resolver might be in a parent ClassLoader and
         * will be incapable of loading our Catalog implementation.
         * This method always returns a new instance of the underlying catalog class.
         * @return the Catalog.
        public org.apache.xml.resolver.Catalog getPrivateCatalog() {
            org.apache.xml.resolver.Catalog catalog = staticCatalog;

            if (catalog == null || !getUseStaticCatalog()) {
                try {
                    catalog = new Catalog();
                } catch (final Exception ex) {

                if (getUseStaticCatalog()) {
                    staticCatalog = catalog;

            return catalog;

         * Sets the base directory.
         * @param baseDir The base directory.
        public void setBaseDir(final String baseDir) {
            if (baseDir != null) {
                this.baseDir = baseDir;

         * Sets the FileSystem
         * @param fileSystem The FileSystem in use.
        public void setFileSystem(final FileSystem fileSystem) {
            this.fs = fileSystem;

         * Sets the ConfigurationInterpolator.
         * @param configurationInterpolator the ConfigurationInterpolator.
        public void setInterpolator(final ConfigurationInterpolator configurationInterpolator) {
            interpolator = configurationInterpolator;

     * Debug everything.
    private static final int DEBUG_ALL = 9;

     * Normal debug setting.
    private static final int DEBUG_NORMAL = 4;

     * Debug nothing.
    private static final int DEBUG_NONE = 0;

     * Locates a given file. This implementation delegates to the corresponding method in {@link FileLocatorUtils}.
     * @param fs the {@code FileSystem}
     * @param basePath the base path
     * @param name the file name
     * @return the URL pointing to the file
    private static URL locate(final FileSystem fs, final String basePath, final String name) {
        return FileLocatorUtils.locate(FileLocatorUtils.fileLocator().fileSystem(fs).basePath(basePath).fileName(name).create());

     * The CatalogManager
    private final CatalogManager manager = new CatalogManager();

     * The FileSystem in use.
    private FileSystem fs = FileLocatorUtils.DEFAULT_FILE_SYSTEM;

     * The CatalogResolver
    private resolver;

     * Stores the logger.
    private ConfigurationLogger log;

     * Constructs the CatalogResolver
    public CatalogResolver() {

     * Gets the logger used by this configuration object.
     * @return the logger
    public ConfigurationLogger getLogger() {
        return log;

    private synchronized getResolver() {
        if (resolver == null) {
            resolver = new;
        return resolver;

     * Initializes the logger. Checks for null parameters.
     * @param log the new logger
    private void initLogger(final ConfigurationLogger log) {
        this.log = log != null ? log : ConfigurationLogger.newDummyLogger();

     * <p>
     * Implements the {@code resolveEntity} method for the SAX interface.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * Presented with an optional public identifier and a system identifier, this function attempts to locate a mapping in
     * the catalogs.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If such a mapping is found, the resolver attempts to open the mapped value as an InputSource and return it.
     * Exceptions are ignored and null is returned if the mapped value cannot be opened as an input source.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * If no mapping is found (or an error occurs attempting to open the mapped value as an input source), null is returned
     * and the system will use the specified system identifier as if no entityResolver was specified.
     * </p>
     * @param publicId The public identifier for the entity in question. This may be null.
     * @param systemId The system identifier for the entity in question. XML requires a system identifier on all external
     *        entities, so this value is always specified.
     * @return An InputSource for the mapped identifier, or null.
     * @throws SAXException if an error occurs.
    @SuppressWarnings("resource") // InputSource wraps an InputStream.
    public InputSource resolveEntity(final String publicId, final String systemId) throws SAXException {
        String resolved = getResolver().getResolvedEntity(publicId, systemId);

        if (resolved != null) {
            final String badFilePrefix = "file://";
            final String correctFilePrefix = "file:///";

            // Java 5 has a bug when constructing file URLs
            if (resolved.startsWith(badFilePrefix) && !resolved.startsWith(correctFilePrefix)) {
                resolved = correctFilePrefix + resolved.substring(badFilePrefix.length());

            try {
                final URL url = locate(fs, null, resolved);
                if (url == null) {
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Could not locate " + resolved);
                final InputStream inputStream = fs.getInputStream(url);
                final InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(resolved);
                return inputSource;
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                log.warn("Failed to create InputSource for " + resolved, e);

        return null;

     * Sets the base path.
     * @param baseDir The base path String.
    public void setBaseDir(final String baseDir) {

     * Sets the list of catalog file names
     * @param catalogs The delimited list of catalog files.
    public void setCatalogFiles(final String catalogs) {

     * Enables debug logging of xml-commons Catalog processing.
     * @param debug True if debugging should be enabled, false otherwise.
    public void setDebug(final boolean debug) {
        manager.setVerbosity(debug ? DEBUG_ALL : DEBUG_NONE);

     * Sets the FileSystem.
     * @param fileSystem The FileSystem.
    public void setFileSystem(final FileSystem fileSystem) {
        this.fs = fileSystem;

     * Sets the {@code ConfigurationInterpolator}.
     * @param ci the {@code ConfigurationInterpolator}
    public void setInterpolator(final ConfigurationInterpolator ci) {

     * Allows setting the logger to be used by this object. This method makes it possible for clients to exactly control
     * logging behavior. Per default a logger is set that will ignore all log messages. Derived classes that want to enable
     * logging should call this method during their initialization with the logger to be used. Passing in <b>null</b> as
     * argument disables logging.
     * @param log the new logger
    public void setLogger(final ConfigurationLogger log) {