002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.commons.configuration2;
019import java.io.BufferedReader;
020import java.io.IOException;
021import java.io.PrintWriter;
022import java.io.Reader;
023import java.io.Writer;
024import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
025import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
026import java.util.List;
027import java.util.Map;
028import java.util.Set;
029import java.util.stream.Collectors;
031import org.apache.commons.configuration2.convert.ListDelimiterHandler;
032import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationException;
033import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationRuntimeException;
034import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.ImmutableNode;
035import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.InMemoryNodeModel;
036import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.InMemoryNodeModelSupport;
037import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.NodeHandler;
038import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.NodeHandlerDecorator;
039import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.NodeSelector;
040import org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.TrackedNodeModel;
043 * <p>
044 * A specialized hierarchical configuration implementation for parsing ini files.
045 * </p>
046 * <p>
047 * An initialization or ini file is a configuration file typically found on Microsoft's Windows operating system and
048 * contains data for Windows based applications.
049 * </p>
050 * <p>
051 * Although popularized by Windows, ini files can be used on any system or platform due to the fact that they are merely
052 * text files that can easily be parsed and modified by both humans and computers.
053 * </p>
054 * <p>
055 * A typical ini file could look something like:
056 * </p>
057 *
058 * <pre>
059 * [section1]
060 * ; this is a comment!
061 * var1 = foo
062 * var2 = bar
063 *
064 * [section2]
065 * var1 = doo
066 * </pre>
067 * <p>
068 * The format of ini files is fairly straight forward and is composed of three components:
069 * </p>
070 * <ul>
071 * <li><b>Sections:</b> Ini files are split into sections, each section starting with a section declaration. A section
072 * declaration starts with a '[' and ends with a ']'. Sections occur on one line only.</li>
073 * <li><b>Parameters:</b> Items in a section are known as parameters. Parameters have a typical {@code key = value}
074 * format.</li>
075 * <li><b>Comments:</b> Lines starting with a ';' are assumed to be comments.</li>
076 * </ul>
077 * <p>
078 * There are various implementations of the ini file format by various vendors which has caused a number of differences
079 * to appear. As far as possible this configuration tries to be lenient and support most of the differences.
080 * </p>
081 * <p>
082 * Some of the differences supported are as follows:
083 * </p>
084 * <ul>
085 * <li><b>Comments:</b> The '#' character is also accepted as a comment signifier.</li>
086 * <li><b>Key value separator:</b> The ':' character is also accepted in place of '=' to separate keys and values in
087 * parameters, for example {@code var1 : foo}.</li>
088 * <li><b>Duplicate sections:</b> Typically duplicate sections are not allowed, this configuration does however support
089 * this feature. In the event of a duplicate section, the two section's values are merged so that there is only a single
090 * section. <strong>Note</strong>: This also affects the internal data of the configuration. If it is saved, only a
091 * single section is written!</li>
092 * <li><b>Duplicate parameters:</b> Typically duplicate parameters are only allowed if they are in two different
093 * sections, thus they are local to sections; this configuration simply merges duplicates; if a section has a duplicate
094 * parameter the values are then added to the key as a list.</li>
095 * </ul>
096 * <p>
097 * Global parameters are also allowed; any parameters declared before a section is declared are added to a global
098 * section. It is important to note that this global section does not have a name.
099 * </p>
100 * <p>
101 * In all instances, a parameter's key is prepended with its section name and a '.' (period). Thus a parameter named
102 * "var1" in "section1" will have the key {@code section1.var1} in this configuration. (This is the default behavior.
103 * Because this is a hierarchical configuration you can change this by setting a different
104 * {@link org.apache.commons.configuration2.tree.ExpressionEngine}.)
105 * </p>
106 * <p>
107 * <strong>Implementation Details:</strong> Consider the following ini file:
108 * </p>
109 * <pre>
110 *  default = ok
111 *
112 *  [section1]
113 *  var1 = foo
114 *  var2 = doodle
115 *
116 *  [section2]
117 *  ; a comment
118 *  var1 = baz
119 *  var2 = shoodle
120 *  bad =
121 *  = worse
122 *
123 *  [section3]
124 *  # another comment
125 *  var1 : foo
126 *  var2 : bar
127 *  var5 : test1
128 *
129 *  [section3]
130 *  var3 = foo
131 *  var4 = bar
132 *  var5 = test2
133 *
134 *  [sectionSeparators]
135 *  passwd : abc=def
136 *  a:b = "value"
137 *
138 *  []
139 *  var = emptySection
140 * </pre>
141 * <p>
142 * This ini file will be parsed without error. Note:
143 * </p>
144 * <ul>
145 * <li>The parameter named "default" is added to the global section, it's value is accessed simply using
146 * {@code getProperty("default")}.</li>
147 * <li>Section 1's parameters can be accessed using {@code getProperty("section1.var1")}.</li>
148 * <li>The parameter named "bad" simply adds the parameter with an empty value.</li>
149 * <li>The empty key with value "= worse" is added using a key consisting of a single space character. This key is still
150 * added to section 2 and the value can be accessed using {@code getProperty("section2. ")}, notice the period '.' and
151 * the space following the section name.</li>
152 * <li>Section three uses both '=' and ':' to separate keys and values.</li>
153 * <li>Section 3 has a duplicate key named "var5". The value for this key is [test1, test2], and is represented as a
154 * List.</li>
155 * <li>The section called <em>sectionSeparators</em> demonstrates how the configuration deals with multiple occurrences
156 * of separator characters. Per default the first separator character in a line is detected and used to split the key
157 * from the value. Therefore the first property definition in this section has the key {@code passwd} and the value
158 * {@code abc=def}. This default behavior can be changed by using quotes. If there is a separator character before the
159 * first quote character (ignoring whitespace), this character is used as separator. Thus the second property definition
160 * in the section has the key {@code a:b} and the value {@code value}.</li>
161 * <li>The empty section is added using a key consisting of a single space character. The parameters can be accessed
162 * using {@code getProperty(" .var")}</li>
163 * </ul>
164 * <p>
165 * Internally, this configuration maps the content of the represented ini file to its node structure in the following
166 * way:
167 * </p>
168 * <ul>
169 * <li>Sections are represented by direct child nodes of the root node.</li>
170 * <li>For the content of a section, corresponding nodes are created as children of the section node.</li>
171 * </ul>
172 * <p>
173 * This explains how the keys for the properties can be constructed. You can also use other methods of
174 * {@link HierarchicalConfiguration} for querying or manipulating the hierarchy of configuration nodes, for instance the
175 * {@code configurationAt()} method for obtaining the data of a specific section. However, be careful that the storage
176 * scheme described above is not violated (e.g. by adding multiple levels of nodes or inserting duplicate section
177 * nodes). Otherwise, the special methods for ini configurations may not work correctly!
178 * </p>
179 * <p>
180 * The set of sections in this configuration can be retrieved using the {@code getSections()} method. For obtaining a
181 * {@code SubnodeConfiguration} with the content of a specific section the {@code getSection()} method can be used.
182 * </p>
183 * <p>
184 * Like other {@code Configuration} implementations, this class uses a {@code Synchronizer} object to control concurrent
185 * access. By choosing a suitable implementation of the {@code Synchronizer} interface, an instance can be made
186 * thread-safe or not. Note that access to most of the properties typically set through a builder is not protected by
187 * the {@code Synchronizer}. The intended usage is that these properties are set once at construction time through the
188 * builder and after that remain constant. If you wish to change such properties during life time of an instance, you
189 * have to use the {@code lock()} and {@code unlock()} methods manually to ensure that other threads see your changes.
190 * </p>
191 * <p>
192 * As this class extends {@link AbstractConfiguration}, all basic features like variable interpolation, list handling,
193 * or data type conversions are available as well. This is described in the chapter
194 * <a href="https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-configuration/userguide/howto_basicfeatures.html"> Basic features
195 * and AbstractConfiguration</a> of the user's guide.
196 * </p>
197 * <p>
198 * Note that this configuration does not support properties with null values. Such properties are considered to be
199 * section nodes.
200 * </p>
201 *
202 * @since 1.6
203 */
204public class INIConfiguration extends BaseHierarchicalConfiguration implements FileBasedConfiguration {
206    /**
207     * Builds instances of INIConfiguration.
208     *
209     * @since 2.9.0
210     */
211    public static class Builder {
213        /**
214         * The flag for decision, whether inline comments on the section line are allowed.
215         */
216        private boolean sectionInLineCommentsAllowed;
218        public INIConfiguration build() {
219            return new INIConfiguration(sectionInLineCommentsAllowed);
220        }
222        public Builder setSectionInLineCommentsAllowed(final boolean sectionInLineCommentsAllowed) {
223            this.sectionInLineCommentsAllowed = sectionInLineCommentsAllowed;
224            return this;
225        }
227    }
229    /**
230     * A specialized node model implementation for the sub configuration representing the global section of the INI file.
231     * This is a regular {@code TrackedNodeModel} with one exception: The {@code NodeHandler} used by this model applies a
232     * filter on the children of the root node so that only nodes are visible that are no sub sections.
233     */
234    private static final class GlobalSectionNodeModel extends TrackedNodeModel {
235        /**
236         * Creates a new instance of {@code GlobalSectionNodeModel} and initializes it with the given underlying model.
237         *
238         * @param modelSupport the underlying {@code InMemoryNodeModel}
239         * @param selector the {@code NodeSelector}
240         */
241        public GlobalSectionNodeModel(final InMemoryNodeModelSupport modelSupport, final NodeSelector selector) {
242            super(modelSupport, selector, true);
243        }
245        @Override
246        public NodeHandler<ImmutableNode> getNodeHandler() {
247            return new NodeHandlerDecorator<ImmutableNode>() {
248                /**
249                 * Filters the child nodes of the global section. This method checks whether the passed in node is the root node of the
250                 * configuration. If so, from the list of children all nodes are filtered which are section nodes.
251                 *
252                 * @param node the node in question
253                 * @param children the children of this node
254                 * @return a list with the filtered children
255                 */
256                private List<ImmutableNode> filterChildrenOfGlobalSection(final ImmutableNode node, final List<ImmutableNode> children) {
257                    final List<ImmutableNode> filteredList;
258                    if (node == getRootNode()) {
259                        filteredList = children.stream().filter(child -> !isSectionNode(child)).collect(Collectors.toList());
260                    } else {
261                        filteredList = children;
262                    }
264                    return filteredList;
265                }
267                @Override
268                public ImmutableNode getChild(final ImmutableNode node, final int index) {
269                    final List<ImmutableNode> children = super.getChildren(node);
270                    return filterChildrenOfGlobalSection(node, children).get(index);
271                }
273                @Override
274                public List<ImmutableNode> getChildren(final ImmutableNode node) {
275                    final List<ImmutableNode> children = super.getChildren(node);
276                    return filterChildrenOfGlobalSection(node, children);
277                }
279                @Override
280                public List<ImmutableNode> getChildren(final ImmutableNode node, final String name) {
281                    final List<ImmutableNode> children = super.getChildren(node, name);
282                    return filterChildrenOfGlobalSection(node, children);
283                }
285                @Override
286                public int getChildrenCount(final ImmutableNode node, final String name) {
287                    final List<ImmutableNode> children = name != null ? super.getChildren(node, name) : super.getChildren(node);
288                    return filterChildrenOfGlobalSection(node, children).size();
289                }
291                @Override
292                protected NodeHandler<ImmutableNode> getDecoratedNodeHandler() {
293                    return GlobalSectionNodeModel.super.getNodeHandler();
294                }
296                @Override
297                public int indexOfChild(final ImmutableNode parent, final ImmutableNode child) {
298                    final List<ImmutableNode> children = super.getChildren(parent);
299                    return filterChildrenOfGlobalSection(parent, children).indexOf(child);
300                }
301            };
302        }
303    }
305    /**
306     * The empty key.
307     */
308    private static final String EMPTY_KEY = " ";
310    /**
311     * The default characters that signal the start of a comment line.
312     */
313    protected static final String COMMENT_CHARS = "#;";
315    /**
316     * The default characters used to separate keys from values.
317     */
318    protected static final String SEPARATOR_CHARS = "=:";
320    /**
321     * Constant for the line separator.
322     */
323    private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.lineSeparator();
325    /**
326     * The characters used for quoting values.
327     */
328    private static final String QUOTE_CHARACTERS = "\"'";
330    /**
331     * The line continuation character.
332     */
333    private static final String LINE_CONT = "\\";
335    /**
336     * Creates a new builder.
337     *
338     * @return a new builder.
339     * @since 2.9.0
340     */
341    public static Builder builder() {
342        return new Builder();
343    }
345    /**
346     * Creates a new root node from the builders constructed while reading the configuration file.
347     *
348     * @param rootBuilder the builder for the top-level section
349     * @param sectionBuilders a map storing the section builders
350     * @return the root node of the newly created hierarchy
351     */
352    private static ImmutableNode createNewRootNode(final ImmutableNode.Builder rootBuilder, final Map<String, ImmutableNode.Builder> sectionBuilders) {
353        sectionBuilders.forEach((k, v) -> rootBuilder.addChild(v.name(k).create()));
354        return rootBuilder.create();
355    }
357    /**
358     * Checks for the occurrence of the specified separators in the given line. The index of the first separator is
359     * returned.
360     *
361     * @param line the line to be investigated
362     * @param separators a string with the separator characters to look for
363     * @return the lowest index of a separator character or -1 if no separator is found
364     */
365    private static int findFirstOccurrence(final String line, final String separators) {
366        int index = -1;
368        for (int i = 0; i < separators.length(); i++) {
369            final char sep = separators.charAt(i);
370            final int pos = line.indexOf(sep);
371            if (pos >= 0 && (index < 0 || pos < index)) {
372                index = pos;
373            }
374        }
376        return index;
377    }
379    /**
380     * Searches for a separator character directly before a quoting character. If the first non-whitespace character before
381     * a quote character is a separator, it is considered the "real" separator in this line - even if there are other
382     * separators before.
383     *
384     * @param line the line to be investigated
385     * @param quoteIndex the index of the quote character
386     * @return the index of the separator before the quote or &lt; 0 if there is none
387     */
388    private static int findSeparatorBeforeQuote(final String line, final int quoteIndex) {
389        int index = quoteIndex - 1;
390        while (index >= 0 && Character.isWhitespace(line.charAt(index))) {
391            index--;
392        }
394        if (index >= 0 && SEPARATOR_CHARS.indexOf(line.charAt(index)) < 0) {
395            index = -1;
396        }
398        return index;
399    }
401    /**
402     * Determine if the given line contains a section - inline comments are allowed.
403     *
404     * @param line The line to check.
405     * @return true if the line contains a section
406     */
407    private static boolean isNonStrictSection(final String line) {
408        return line.startsWith("[") && line.contains("]");
409    }
411    /**
412     * Checks whether the specified configuration node represents a section.
413     *
414     * @param node the node in question
415     * @return a flag whether this node represents a section
416     */
417    private static boolean isSectionNode(final ImmutableNode node) {
418        return node.getValue() == null;
419    }
421    /**
422     * Determine if the entire given line is a section - inline comments are not allowed.
423     *
424     * @param line The line to check.
425     * @return true if the entire line is a section
426     */
427    private static boolean isStrictSection(final String line) {
428        return line.startsWith("[") && line.endsWith("]");
429    }
431    /**
432     * Tests whether the specified string contains a line continuation marker.
433     *
434     * @param line the string to check
435     * @return a flag whether this line continues
436     */
437    private static boolean lineContinues(final String line) {
438        final String s = line.trim();
439        return s.equals(LINE_CONT) || s.length() > 2 && s.endsWith(LINE_CONT) && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(s.length() - 2));
440    }
442    /**
443     * The separator used when writing an INI file.
444     */
445    private String separatorUsedInOutput = " = ";
447    /**
448     * The separator used when reading an INI file.
449     */
450    private String separatorUsedInInput = SEPARATOR_CHARS;
452    /**
453     * The characters used to separate keys from values when reading an INI file.
454     */
455    private String commentCharsUsedInInput = COMMENT_CHARS;
457    /**
458     * The flag for decision, whether inline comments on the section line are allowed.
459     */
460    private boolean sectionInLineCommentsAllowed;
462    /**
463     * Create a new empty INI Configuration.
464     */
465    public INIConfiguration() {
466    }
468    /**
469     * Create a new empty INI Configuration with option to allow inline comments on the section line.
470     *
471     * @param sectionInLineCommentsAllowed when true inline comments on the section line are allowed
472     */
473    private INIConfiguration(final boolean sectionInLineCommentsAllowed) {
474        this.sectionInLineCommentsAllowed = sectionInLineCommentsAllowed;
475    }
477    /**
478     * Creates a new instance of {@code INIConfiguration} with the content of the specified
479     * {@code HierarchicalConfiguration}.
480     *
481     * @param c the configuration to be copied
482     * @since 2.0
483     */
484    public INIConfiguration(final HierarchicalConfiguration<ImmutableNode> c) {
485        super(c);
486    }
488    /**
489     * Reads the content of an INI file from the passed in reader and creates a structure of builders for constructing the
490     * {@code ImmutableNode} objects representing the data.
491     *
492     * @param in the reader
493     * @param rootBuilder the builder for the top-level section
494     * @param sectionBuilders a map storing the section builders
495     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
496     */
497    private void createNodeBuilders(final BufferedReader in, final ImmutableNode.Builder rootBuilder, final Map<String, ImmutableNode.Builder> sectionBuilders)
498        throws IOException {
499        ImmutableNode.Builder sectionBuilder = rootBuilder;
500        String line = in.readLine();
501        while (line != null) {
502            line = line.trim();
503            if (!isCommentLine(line)) {
504                if (isSectionLine(line)) {
505                    final int length = sectionInLineCommentsAllowed ? line.indexOf("]") : line.length() - 1;
506                    String section = line.substring(1, length);
507                    if (section.isEmpty()) {
508                        // use space for sections with no key
509                        section = EMPTY_KEY;
510                    }
511                    sectionBuilder = sectionBuilders.computeIfAbsent(section, k -> new ImmutableNode.Builder());
512                } else {
513                    String key;
514                    String value = "";
515                    final int index = findSeparator(line);
516                    if (index >= 0) {
517                        key = line.substring(0, index);
518                        value = parseValue(line.substring(index + 1), in);
519                    } else {
520                        key = line;
521                    }
522                    key = key.trim();
523                    if (key.isEmpty()) {
524                        // use space for properties with no key
525                        key = EMPTY_KEY;
526                    }
527                    createValueNodes(sectionBuilder, key, value);
528                }
529            }
531            line = in.readLine();
532        }
533    }
535    /**
536     * Creates the node(s) for the given key value-pair. If delimiter parsing is enabled, the value string is split if
537     * possible, and for each single value a node is created. Otherwise only a single node is added to the section.
538     *
539     * @param sectionBuilder the section builder for adding new nodes
540     * @param key the key
541     * @param value the value string
542     */
543    private void createValueNodes(final ImmutableNode.Builder sectionBuilder, final String key, final String value) {
544        getListDelimiterHandler().split(value, false).forEach(v -> sectionBuilder.addChild(new ImmutableNode.Builder().name(key).value(v).create()));
545    }
547    /**
548     * Escapes comment characters in the given value.
549     *
550     * @param value the value to be escaped
551     * @return the value with comment characters escaped
552     */
553    private String escapeComments(final String value) {
554        final String commentChars = getCommentLeadingCharsUsedInInput();
555        boolean quoted = false;
557        for (int i = 0; i < commentChars.length(); i++) {
558            final char c = commentChars.charAt(i);
559            if (value.indexOf(c) != -1) {
560                quoted = true;
561                break;
562            }
563        }
565        if (quoted) {
566            return '"' + value.replace("\"", "\\\"") + '"';
567        }
568        return value;
569    }
571    /**
572     * Escapes the given property value before it is written. This method add quotes around the specified value if it
573     * contains a comment character and handles list delimiter characters.
574     *
575     * @param value the string to be escaped
576     */
577    private String escapeValue(final String value) {
578        return String.valueOf(getListDelimiterHandler().escape(escapeComments(value), ListDelimiterHandler.NOOP_TRANSFORMER));
579    }
581    /**
582     * Tries to find the index of the separator character in the given string. This method checks for the presence of
583     * separator characters in the given string. If multiple characters are found, the first one is assumed to be the
584     * correct separator. If there are quoting characters, they are taken into account, too.
585     *
586     * @param line the line to be checked
587     * @return the index of the separator character or -1 if none is found
588     */
589    private int findSeparator(final String line) {
590        int index = findSeparatorBeforeQuote(line, findFirstOccurrence(line, QUOTE_CHARACTERS));
591        if (index < 0) {
592            index = findFirstOccurrence(line, getSeparatorUsedInInput());
593        }
594        return index;
595    }
597    /**
598     * Gets comment leading separator used in INI reading. see {@code setCommentLeadingCharsUsedInInput} for further
599     * explanation
600     *
601     * @return the current separator for reading the INI input
602     * @since 2.5
603     */
604    public String getCommentLeadingCharsUsedInInput() {
605        beginRead(false);
606        try {
607            return commentCharsUsedInInput;
608        } finally {
609            endRead();
610        }
611    }
613    /**
614     * Creates a sub configuration for the global section of the represented INI configuration.
615     *
616     * @return the sub configuration for the global section
617     */
618    private SubnodeConfiguration getGlobalSection() {
619        final InMemoryNodeModel parentModel = getSubConfigurationParentModel();
620        final NodeSelector selector = new NodeSelector(null); // selects parent
621        parentModel.trackNode(selector, this);
622        final GlobalSectionNodeModel model = new GlobalSectionNodeModel(this, selector);
623        final SubnodeConfiguration sub = new SubnodeConfiguration(this, model);
624        initSubConfigurationForThisParent(sub);
625        return sub;
626    }
628    /**
629     * Gets a configuration with the content of the specified section. This provides an easy way of working with a single
630     * section only. The way this configuration is structured internally, this method is very similar to calling
631     * {@link HierarchicalConfiguration#configurationAt(String)} with the name of the section in question. There are the
632     * following differences however:
633     * <ul>
634     * <li>This method never throws an exception. If the section does not exist, it is created now. The configuration
635     * returned in this case is empty.</li>
636     * <li>If section is contained multiple times in the configuration, the configuration returned by this method is
637     * initialized with the first occurrence of the section. (This can only happen if {@code addProperty()} has been used in
638     * a way that does not conform to the storage scheme used by {@code INIConfiguration}. If used correctly, there will not
639     * be duplicate sections.)</li>
640     * <li>There is special support for the global section: Passing in <b>null</b> as section name returns a configuration
641     * with the content of the global section (which may also be empty).</li>
642     * </ul>
643     *
644     * @param name the name of the section in question; <b>null</b> represents the global section
645     * @return a configuration containing only the properties of the specified section
646     */
647    public SubnodeConfiguration getSection(final String name) {
648        if (name == null) {
649            return getGlobalSection();
650        }
651        try {
652            return (SubnodeConfiguration) configurationAt(name, true);
653        } catch (final ConfigurationRuntimeException iex) {
654            // the passed in key does not map to exactly one node
655            // obtain the node for the section, create it on demand
656            final InMemoryNodeModel parentModel = getSubConfigurationParentModel();
657            final NodeSelector selector = parentModel.trackChildNodeWithCreation(null, name, this);
658            return createSubConfigurationForTrackedNode(selector, this);
659        }
660    }
662    /**
663     * Gets a set containing the sections in this ini configuration. Note that changes to this set do not affect the
664     * configuration.
665     *
666     * @return a set containing the sections.
667     */
668    public Set<String> getSections() {
669        final Set<String> sections = new LinkedHashSet<>();
670        boolean globalSection = false;
671        boolean inSection = false;
673        beginRead(false);
674        try {
675            for (final ImmutableNode node : getModel().getNodeHandler().getRootNode().getChildren()) {
676                if (isSectionNode(node)) {
677                    inSection = true;
678                    sections.add(node.getNodeName());
679                } else if (!inSection && !globalSection) {
680                    globalSection = true;
681                    sections.add(null);
682                }
683            }
684        } finally {
685            endRead();
686        }
688        return sections;
689    }
691    /**
692     * Gets separator used in INI reading. see {@code setSeparatorUsedInInput} for further explanation
693     *
694     * @return the current separator for reading the INI input
695     * @since 2.5
696     */
697    public String getSeparatorUsedInInput() {
698        beginRead(false);
699        try {
700            return separatorUsedInInput;
701        } finally {
702            endRead();
703        }
704    }
706    /**
707     * Gets separator used in INI output. see {@code setSeparatorUsedInOutput} for further explanation
708     *
709     * @return the current separator for writing the INI output
710     * @since 2.2
711     */
712    public String getSeparatorUsedInOutput() {
713        beginRead(false);
714        try {
715            return separatorUsedInOutput;
716        } finally {
717            endRead();
718        }
719    }
721    /**
722     * Tests whether the specified character is a comment character.
723     *
724     * @param c the character
725     * @return a flag whether this character starts a comment
726     */
727    private boolean isCommentChar(final char c) {
728        return getCommentLeadingCharsUsedInInput().indexOf(c) >= 0;
729    }
731    /**
732     * Determine if the given line is a comment line.
733     *
734     * @param line The line to check.
735     * @return true if the line is empty or starts with one of the comment characters
736     */
737    protected boolean isCommentLine(final String line) {
738        if (line == null) {
739            return false;
740        }
741        // blank lines are also treated as comment lines
742        return line.isEmpty() || getCommentLeadingCharsUsedInInput().indexOf(line.charAt(0)) >= 0;
743    }
745    /**
746     * Determine if the given line is a section.
747     *
748     * @param line The line to check.
749     * @return true if the line contains a section
750     */
751    protected boolean isSectionLine(final String line) {
752        if (line == null) {
753            return false;
754        }
755        return sectionInLineCommentsAllowed ? isNonStrictSection(line) : isStrictSection(line);
756    }
758    /**
759     * Tests whether the specified string contains a line continuation marker after the specified position. This method
760     * parses the string to remove a comment that might be present. Then it checks whether a line continuation marker can be
761     * found at the end.
762     *
763     * @param line the line to check
764     * @param pos the start position
765     * @return a flag whether this line continues
766     */
767    private boolean lineContinues(final String line, final int pos) {
768        final String s;
770        if (pos >= line.length()) {
771            s = line;
772        } else {
773            int end = pos;
774            while (end < line.length() && !isCommentChar(line.charAt(end))) {
775                end++;
776            }
777            s = line.substring(pos, end);
778        }
780        return lineContinues(s);
781    }
783    /**
784     * Parse the value to remove the quotes and ignoring the comment. Example:
785     *
786     * <pre>
787     * &quot;value&quot; ; comment -&gt; value
788     * </pre>
789     *
790     * <pre>
791     * 'value' ; comment -&gt; value
792     * </pre>
793     *
794     * Note that a comment character is only recognized if there is at least one whitespace character before it. So it can
795     * appear in the property value, e.g.:
796     *
797     * <pre>
798     * C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\system32
799     * </pre>
800     *
801     * @param val the value to be parsed
802     * @param reader the reader (needed if multiple lines have to be read)
803     * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs
804     */
805    private String parseValue(final String val, final BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {
806        final StringBuilder propertyValue = new StringBuilder();
807        boolean lineContinues;
808        String value = val.trim();
810        do {
811            final boolean quoted = value.startsWith("\"") || value.startsWith("'");
812            boolean stop = false;
813            boolean escape = false;
815            final char quote = quoted ? value.charAt(0) : 0;
817            int i = quoted ? 1 : 0;
819            final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
820            char lastChar = 0;
821            while (i < value.length() && !stop) {
822                final char c = value.charAt(i);
824                if (quoted) {
825                    if ('\\' == c && !escape) {
826                        escape = true;
827                    } else if (!escape && quote == c) {
828                        stop = true;
829                    } else {
830                        if (escape && quote == c) {
831                            escape = false;
832                        } else if (escape) {
833                            escape = false;
834                            result.append('\\');
835                        }
836                        result.append(c);
837                    }
838                } else if (isCommentChar(c) && Character.isWhitespace(lastChar)) {
839                    stop = true;
840                } else {
841                    result.append(c);
842                }
844                i++;
845                lastChar = c;
846            }
848            String v = result.toString();
849            if (!quoted) {
850                v = v.trim();
851                lineContinues = lineContinues(v);
852                if (lineContinues) {
853                    // remove trailing "\"
854                    v = v.substring(0, v.length() - 1).trim();
855                }
856            } else {
857                lineContinues = lineContinues(value, i);
858            }
859            propertyValue.append(v);
861            if (lineContinues) {
862                propertyValue.append(LINE_SEPARATOR);
863                value = reader.readLine();
864            }
865        } while (lineContinues && value != null);
867        return propertyValue.toString();
868    }
870    /**
871     * Load the configuration from the given reader. Note that the {@code clear()} method is not called so the configuration
872     * read in will be merged with the current configuration.
873     *
874     * @param in the reader to read the configuration from.
875     * @throws ConfigurationException If an error occurs while reading the configuration
876     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
877     */
878    @Override
879    public void read(final Reader in) throws ConfigurationException, IOException {
880        final BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(in);
881        final Map<String, ImmutableNode.Builder> sectionBuilders = new LinkedHashMap<>();
882        final ImmutableNode.Builder rootBuilder = new ImmutableNode.Builder();
884        createNodeBuilders(bufferedReader, rootBuilder, sectionBuilders);
885        final ImmutableNode rootNode = createNewRootNode(rootBuilder, sectionBuilders);
886        addNodes(null, rootNode.getChildren());
887    }
889    /**
890     * Allows setting the leading comment separator which is used in reading an INI file
891     *
892     * @param separator String of the new separator for INI reading
893     * @since 2.5
894     */
895    public void setCommentLeadingCharsUsedInInput(final String separator) {
896        beginRead(false);
897        try {
898            this.commentCharsUsedInInput = separator;
899        } finally {
900            endRead();
901        }
902    }
904    /**
905     * Allows setting the key and value separator which is used in reading an INI file
906     *
907     * @param separator String of the new separator for INI reading
908     * @since 2.5
909     */
910    public void setSeparatorUsedInInput(final String separator) {
911        beginRead(false);
912        try {
913            this.separatorUsedInInput = separator;
914        } finally {
915            endRead();
916        }
917    }
919    /**
920     * Allows setting the key and value separator which is used for the creation of the resulting INI output
921     *
922     * @param separator String of the new separator for INI output
923     * @since 2.2
924     */
925    public void setSeparatorUsedInOutput(final String separator) {
926        beginWrite(false);
927        try {
928            this.separatorUsedInOutput = separator;
929        } finally {
930            endWrite();
931        }
932    }
934    /**
935     * Save the configuration to the specified writer.
936     *
937     * @param writer - The writer to save the configuration to.
938     * @throws ConfigurationException If an error occurs while writing the configuration
939     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
940     */
941    @Override
942    public void write(final Writer writer) throws ConfigurationException, IOException {
943        final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(writer);
944        boolean first = true;
945        final String separator = getSeparatorUsedInOutput();
947        beginRead(false);
948        try {
949            for (final ImmutableNode node : getModel().getNodeHandler().getRootNode().getChildren()) {
950                if (isSectionNode(node)) {
951                    if (!first) {
952                        out.println();
953                    }
954                    out.print("[");
955                    out.print(node.getNodeName());
956                    out.print("]");
957                    out.println();
959                    node.forEach(child -> writeProperty(out, child.getNodeName(), child.getValue(), separator));
960                } else {
961                    writeProperty(out, node.getNodeName(), node.getValue(), separator);
962                }
963                first = false;
964            }
965            out.println();
966            out.flush();
967        } finally {
968            endRead();
969        }
970    }
972    /**
973     * Writes data about a property into the given stream.
974     *
975     * @param out the output stream
976     * @param key the key
977     * @param value the value
978     */
979    private void writeProperty(final PrintWriter out, final String key, final Object value, final String separator) {
980        out.print(key);
981        out.print(separator);
982        out.print(escapeValue(value.toString()));
983        out.println();
984    }