$Id: RELEASE-NOTES-2.0.txt 549466 2007-06-21 13:10:59Z niallp $ Commons Modeler Package Version 2.0 Release Notes INTRODUCTION: ============ This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons Modeler package, and highlights changes since the previous version. For more information on Jakarta Commons Modeler, see o http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/modeler/ API CHANGES: ============ o In org.apache.commons.modeler.BaseModelMBean, getObjectName's method signature was as follows: public javax.management.ObjectName getObjectName() Now it has been changed to public String getObjectName() NOTE: This was not logged as a modeler bug. More information can be found at the Sun Bug Database: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4909041 o In org.apache.commons.modeler.BaseModelMBean, Folks who need the ObjectName can now use the new method: public javax.management.ObjectName getJmxName() NOTE: This was not logged as a modeler bug. More information can be found at the Sun Bug Database: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4909041 o In org.apache.commons.modeler.util.IntrospectionUtils, A new method clear has been added: public void clear() NOTE: This was done as part of fix for MODELER-15 BUG REPORTS ADDRESSED: ===================== o MODELER-18 support for general descriptors o MODELER-17 [modeler] MbeansSource don't use args at mbeans and operations o MODELER-16 [modeler] download links broken o MODELER-15 [modeler] IntrospectionUtils memory leak o MODELER-14 After setting an Attribute the Notification Listener will not performed o MODELER-13 [modeler] BaseModelMBean class setModeledType method should be setModelerType o MODELER-12 [modeler] ManagedBean uses the wrong case for ObjectReference o MODELER-11 [modeler] Null Pointer Exception - Non-Singleton Registry o MODELER-10 [modeler] DTD violation when using simple wrapping o MODELER-9 [modeler] Registry.convertValue doesn't support longs o MODELER-8 [modeler] AttributeChangeNotification sent before attribute changes o MODELER-7 sendAttributeChangeNotification on setAttribute o MODELER-6 [modeler] wiki page is immutable and out-of-date o MODELER-5 [modeler] setServer stack overflow o MODELER-4 [modeler] Overloaded operations throw "wrong number of parameters" exception o MODELER-3 [modeler] maven build fails on os x with test failure. o MODELER-2 [modeler] Registry insufficiently synchronized o MODELER-1 ClassNotFoundException while using the Notification