{color:#ff0000}{}{}This document is outdated!{}{color} {color:#ff0000}{}{}The former Chemistry library and OpenCMIS were merged into one Java library (OpenCMIS).{}{color} {color:#ff0000}{}{}Chemistry is the name of the Apache CMIS implementation project, while OpenCMIS is the name of Chemistry's Java implementation.{}{color}

RepositoryService and Repository

Because CMIS allows several repositories to live in the same server, the information about the remote server and how to talk to it is encapsulated in a RepositoryService. The RepositoryManager is the global registry of RepositoryServices, and from a RepositoryService you can get to several Repositories.

Your code can either instantiate a protocol-specific version of the Repository interface:

Instantiating an AtomPub repository service
RepositoryService repositoryService = new APPRepositoryService(url, null);
Getting to a repository directly
Repository repository = repositoryService.getRepository("myrepo");

Or rely on it being already registered and look up the repository by name:

Registering a repository service
Looking up a repository by name
Repository repository = RepositoryManager.getInstance().getRepository("myrepo");

High-level, object-oriented API: Connection, Folder, Document

From a Repository you can get a new Connection, get the root folder, get the first of its children and change its description:

Object-oriented API
Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(Repository.PARAM_USERNAME, "username"); params.put(Repository.PARAM_PASSWORD, "password"); Connection conn = repository.getConnection(params); try { Folder root = conn.getRootFolder(); List children = root.getChildren(); for (CMISObject child : children) { System.out.println(child.getName()); } Document doc = (Document) children.get(0); System.out.println("Child id: " + child.getId()); doc.setValue("description", "First child"); doc.save(); } finally { conn.close(); }

Low-level SPI: SPI, ObjectEntry

Here you access the DTO for the object itself. This example does the same thing as above:

Object-oriented API
Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(Repository.PARAM_USERNAME, "username"); params.put(Repository.PARAM_PASSWORD, "password"); SPI spi = repository.getSPI(params); try { ObjectId rootId = repository.getInfo().getRootFolderId(); ListPage page = spi.getChildren(rootId, null, null, null); for (ObjectEntry entry : page) { System.out.println(entry.getValue(Property.NAME)); } ObjectId docId = page.get(0); // ObjectEntry implements ObjectId System.out.println("Child id: " + docId.getId()); Map props = new HashMap(); props.put("description", "First child"); spi.updateProperties(docId, null, props); } finally { spi.close(); }