This page describes the steps that a Cayenne Release Manager needs to perform to prepare a release. The specifics of Cayenne release process is that we are publishing both downloadable assemblies and Maven artifacts, so we have to build and publish things twice. Both forms of Cayenne release are also available for evaluation during the vote.


  • A release manager must have his public key appended to the KEYS file checked in to source control and the key published on one of the public key servers. More info can be found at
  • Make sure "apache-releases" repository is configured in ~/.m2/settings.xml and an appropriate password is setup. See this page for details.
  • As Cayenne has modules which require Java 1.8, you should use Java 1.8 to perform the release.

Preparing Sources

  • Edit UPGRADE-NOTES.txt if there is anything to add there.
  • Check Sources Compliance with RAT. To run RAT, download the distro and unpack it somewhere. You can run it directly, or use a convenience script available at the root of Cayenne source. Then read the report and fix any issues.
    cd cayenne
    ./ ~/Desktop/apache-rat-0.9/apache-rat-0.9.jar  > report.txt

Tagging the Repo and Releasing Maven Artifacts

  • Create a Git tag and Create Maven Staging Repository:

    cd cayenne
    mvn release:clean
    mvn release:prepare -DpreparationGoals="clean install" -DautoVersionSubmodules=true
    mvn release:perform -P gpg [-Dgpg.keyname=B8AF90BF]
  • Close the staging repo. Login to with Apache ID/password, go to "Staging Repositories" page. Select a staging repository that was just created during "mvn release:perform", click "Close". Take a note of the freshly created staging repository URL. It will be used by the people voting on Cayenne. It may look like this:

Releasing Downloadable Assemblies

  • Switch to the release tag created above.

  • Build source package (it will be the basis for the binary packages built in the next steps) :

    mvn clean install -Passembly,src
  • Build binary assemblies. Take "assembly/target/cayenne-XXX-src.tar.gz", unpack it somewhere, and perform binary builds from the unpacked directory (NOT FROM GIT CHECKOUT). Release manager may skip running unit tests from here, as shown below, although release evaluators should use the src assembly for unit testing and other kinds of testing.

    mvn clean install -Passembly,generic -Dmaven.test.skip=true
    # You will need to do this on OS X, and use at least Java 1.8
    mvn clean install -Passembly,mac -Dmaven.test.skip=true
    # You will need to do this on Windows
    mvn clean install -Passembly,windows -Dmaven.test.skip=true

    For further details on a general Cayenne build process check this page.

  • Signing assemblies

You can find additional information in official Apache Release Distribution policy and on this page. Release manager key must be in the project KEYS file. Signing is a manual procedure not included in the Ant or Maven script. Here is how it might work ("-u" option can be omitted if you have only one GPG key):

    gpg -a -b -u B8AF90BF cayenne-X.X.tar.gz
    gpg --print-md MD5 cayenne-X.X.tar.gz > cayenne-X.X.tar.gz.md5
    gpg --print-md SHA512 cayenne-X.X.tar.gz > cayenne-X.X.tar.gz.sha512


  • The vote is started on the dev mailing list.
  • All committers are encouraged to vote on releases. Committer votes will be considered by the PMC (particularly -1 votes will be discussed) when making the final decision, but are not binding.
  • Each PMC member will do the following before voting on a release: a. download the artifacts b. satisfy themselves that the source matches the appropriate svn tag. This can be done by diffing the source against a recent svn checkout. c. satisfy themselves that the Apache licensing requirements are met (this will usually be achieved by ensuring that all notices are in place and verifying that the source matches SVN since all commits to SVN are possible only if the committer has a CLA on file). d. satisfy themselves that the binary distribution is sane and passes basic usability tests. For example, that the Cayenne modeler runs and the main jar passes some basic tests. e. satisfy themselves that the source passes agreed unit tests (either by running them manually or verifying that Hudson has run those tests against the equivalent source).

Publishing the Release

  • Publish Maven artifacts. Go back to, select the staging repo and click "Release".

  • Publish downloadable assemblies by moving them to the release repo:

    $ svn mv \

After the release

  • Delete a previous version of Cayenne release of the same branch from the dist server. It should be already [archived by Apache] ( Do this with an svn command like this:

    $ svn rm
  • Tell Jira that the release has been released. Ensure there is another milestone or release target already created for further work, but this was probably already done when a branch was created in preparation for release.

  • Update the DOAP file which will update automatically.
  • If the release is significant, consider press releases to relevant news sources
  • Review the main website pages (front page and why-cayenne especially) to add any new features
  • Add a news item to the Cayenne web site
  • Send an email to the Cayenne user and developer lists
  • Send a notification email to
  • Update
