001    /**
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003     * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004     * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005     * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006     * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007     * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008     *
009     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010     *
011     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015     * limitations under the License.
016     */
017    package org.apache.camel.spi;
019    import java.util.EventObject;
020    import java.util.List;
022    import org.apache.camel.ManagementStatisticsLevel;
023    import org.apache.camel.Service;
024    import org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition;
026    /**
027     * Strategy for management.
028     * <p/>
029     * This is totally pluggable allowing to use a custom or 3rd party management implementation with Camel.
030     *
031     * @see org.apache.camel.spi.EventNotifier
032     * @see org.apache.camel.spi.EventFactory
033     * @see org.apache.camel.spi.ManagementNamingStrategy
034     * @see org.apache.camel.spi.ManagementAgent
035     * @version 
036     */
037    public interface ManagementStrategy extends Service {
039        /**
040         * Adds a managed object allowing the ManagementStrategy implementation to record or expose
041         * the object as it sees fit.
042         *
043         * @param managedObject the managed object
044         * @throws Exception can be thrown if the object could not be added
045         */
046        void manageObject(Object managedObject) throws Exception;
048        /**
049         * Adds a managed object allowing the ManagementStrategy implementation
050         * to record or expose the object as it sees fit.
051         *
052         * @param managedObject the managed object
053         * @param preferredName representing the preferred name, maybe a String, or a JMX ObjectName
054         * @throws Exception can be thrown if the object could not be added
055         */
056        void manageNamedObject(Object managedObject, Object preferredName) throws Exception;
058        /**
059         * Construct an object name, where either the object to be managed and/or
060         * a custom name component are provided
061         *
062         * @param managedObject the object to be managed
063         * @param customName a custom name component
064         * @param nameType the name type required
065         * @return an object name of the required type if supported, otherwise <tt>null</tt>
066         * @throws Exception can be thrown if the object name could not be created
067         */
068        <T> T getManagedObjectName(Object managedObject, String customName, Class<T> nameType) throws Exception;
070        /**
071         * Removes the managed object.
072         *
073         * @param managedObject the managed object
074         * @throws Exception can be thrown if the object could not be removed
075         */
076        void unmanageObject(Object managedObject) throws Exception;
078        /**
079         * Removes a managed object by name.
080         *
081         * @param name an object name previously created by this strategy.
082         * @throws Exception can be thrown if the object could not be removed
083         */
084        void unmanageNamedObject(Object name) throws Exception;
086        /**
087         * Determines if an object or name is managed.
088         *
089         * @param managedObject the object to consider
090         * @param name the name to consider
091         * @return <tt>true</tt> if the given object or name is managed
092         */
093        boolean isManaged(Object managedObject, Object name);
095        /**
096         * Management events provide a single model for capturing information about execution points in the
097         * application code. Management strategy implementations decide if and where to record these events.
098         * Applications communicate events to management strategy implementations via the notify(EventObject)
099         * method.
100         *
101         * @param event the event
102         * @throws Exception can be thrown if the notification failed
103         */
104        void notify(EventObject event) throws Exception;
106        /**
107         * Gets the event notifiers.
108         *
109         * @return event notifiers
110         */
111        List<EventNotifier> getEventNotifiers();
113        /**
114         * Sets the list of event notifier to use.
115         *
116         * @param eventNotifier list of event notifiers
117         */
118        void setEventNotifiers(List<EventNotifier> eventNotifier);
120        /**
121         * Adds the event notifier to use.
122         * <p/>
123         * Ensure the event notifier has been started if its a {@link Service}, as otherwise
124         * it would not be used.
125         *
126         * @param eventNotifier event notifier
127         */
128        void addEventNotifier(EventNotifier eventNotifier);
130        /**
131         * Removes the event notifier
132         *
133         * @param eventNotifier event notifier to remove
134         * @return <tt>true</tt> if removed, <tt>false</tt> if already removed
135         */
136        boolean removeEventNotifier(EventNotifier eventNotifier);
138        /**
139         * Gets the event factory
140         *
141         * @return event factory
142         */
143        EventFactory getEventFactory();
145        /**
146         * Sets the event factory to use
147         *
148         * @param eventFactory event factory
149         */
150        void setEventFactory(EventFactory eventFactory);
152        /**
153         * Gets the naming strategy to use
154         *
155         * @return naming strategy
156         */
157        ManagementNamingStrategy getManagementNamingStrategy();
159        /**
160         * Sets the naming strategy to use
161         *
162         * @param strategy naming strategy
163         */
164        void setManagementNamingStrategy(ManagementNamingStrategy strategy);
166        /**
167         * Gets the object strategy to use
168         *
169         * @return object strategy
170         */
171        ManagementObjectStrategy getManagementObjectStrategy();
173        /**
174         * Sets the object strategy to use
175         *
176         * @param strategy object strategy
177         */
178        void setManagementObjectStrategy(ManagementObjectStrategy strategy);
180        /**
181         * Gets the management agent
182         *
183         * @return management agent
184         */
185        ManagementAgent getManagementAgent();
187        /**
188         * Sets the management agent to use
189         *
190         * @param managementAgent management agent
191         */
192        void setManagementAgent(ManagementAgent managementAgent);
194        /**
195         * Filter whether the processor should be managed or not.
196         * <p/>
197         * Is used to filter out unwanted processors to avoid managing at too fine grained level.
198         *
199         * @param definition definition of the processor
200         * @return <tt>true</tt> to manage it
201         */
202        boolean manageProcessor(ProcessorDefinition<?> definition);
204        /**
205         * Sets the whether only manage processors if they have been configured with a custom id
206         * <p/>
207         * Default is false.
208         *
209         * @param flag <tt>true</tt> will only manage if custom id was set.
210         */
211        void onlyManageProcessorWithCustomId(boolean flag);
213        /**
214         * Checks whether only to manage processors if they have been configured with a custom id
215         *
216         * @return true or false
217         */
218        boolean isOnlyManageProcessorWithCustomId();
220        /**
221         * Sets whether load statistics is enabled.
222         *
223         * @param flag <tt>true</tt> to enable load statistics
224         */
225        void setLoadStatisticsEnabled(boolean flag);
227        /**
228         * Gets whether load statistics is enabled
229         *
230         * @return <tt>true</tt> if enabled
231         */
232        boolean isLoadStatisticsEnabled();
234        /**
235         * Sets the statistics level
236         * <p/>
237         * Default is {@link org.apache.camel.ManagementStatisticsLevel#All}
238         *
239         * @param level the new level
240         */
241        void setStatisticsLevel(ManagementStatisticsLevel level);
243        /**
244         * Gets the statistics level
245         *
246         * @return the level
247         */
248        ManagementStatisticsLevel getStatisticsLevel();
250    }