001    /**
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003     * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004     * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005     * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006     * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007     * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008     *
009     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010     *
011     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015     * limitations under the License.
016     */
017    package org.apache.camel.impl;
019    import java.util.ArrayList;
020    import java.util.List;
021    import java.util.Map;
022    import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
024    import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
025    import org.apache.camel.Endpoint;
026    import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
027    import org.apache.camel.ExchangePattern;
028    import org.apache.camel.Message;
029    import org.apache.camel.MessageHistory;
030    import org.apache.camel.spi.Synchronization;
031    import org.apache.camel.spi.UnitOfWork;
032    import org.apache.camel.util.ExchangeHelper;
033    import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper;
035    /**
036     * A default implementation of {@link Exchange}
037     *
038     * @version 
039     */
040    public final class DefaultExchange implements Exchange {
042        protected final CamelContext context;
043        private Map<String, Object> properties;
044        private Message in;
045        private Message out;
046        private Exception exception;
047        private String exchangeId;
048        private UnitOfWork unitOfWork;
049        private ExchangePattern pattern;
050        private Endpoint fromEndpoint;
051        private String fromRouteId;
052        private List<Synchronization> onCompletions;
054        public DefaultExchange(CamelContext context) {
055            this(context, ExchangePattern.InOnly);
056        }
058        public DefaultExchange(CamelContext context, ExchangePattern pattern) {
059            this.context = context;
060            this.pattern = pattern;
061        }
063        public DefaultExchange(Exchange parent) {
064            this(parent.getContext(), parent.getPattern());
065            this.fromEndpoint = parent.getFromEndpoint();
066            this.fromRouteId = parent.getFromRouteId();
067            this.unitOfWork = parent.getUnitOfWork();
068        }
070        public DefaultExchange(Endpoint fromEndpoint) {
071            this(fromEndpoint, ExchangePattern.InOnly);
072        }
074        public DefaultExchange(Endpoint fromEndpoint, ExchangePattern pattern) {
075            this(fromEndpoint.getCamelContext(), pattern);
076            this.fromEndpoint = fromEndpoint;
077        }
079        @Override
080        public String toString() {
081            return "Exchange[" + (out == null ? in : out) + "]";
082        }
084        public Exchange copy() {
085            DefaultExchange exchange = new DefaultExchange(this);
087            if (hasProperties()) {
088                exchange.setProperties(safeCopy(getProperties()));
089            }
091            exchange.setIn(getIn().copy());
092            if (hasOut()) {
093                exchange.setOut(getOut().copy());
094            }
095            exchange.setException(getException());
096            return exchange;
097        }
099        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
100        private static Map<String, Object> safeCopy(Map<String, Object> properties) {
101            if (properties == null) {
102                return null;
103            }
105            Map<String, Object> answer = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>(properties);
107            // safe copy message history using a defensive copy
108            List<MessageHistory> history = (List<MessageHistory>) answer.remove(Exchange.MESSAGE_HISTORY);
109            if (history != null) {
110                answer.put(Exchange.MESSAGE_HISTORY, new ArrayList<MessageHistory>(history));
111            }
113            return answer;
114        }
116        public CamelContext getContext() {
117            return context;
118        }
120        public Object getProperty(String name) {
121            if (properties != null) {
122                return properties.get(name);
123            }
124            return null;
125        }
127        public Object getProperty(String name, Object defaultValue) {
128            Object answer = getProperty(name);
129            return answer != null ? answer : defaultValue;
130        }
132        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
133        public <T> T getProperty(String name, Class<T> type) {
134            Object value = getProperty(name);
135            if (value == null) {
136                // lets avoid NullPointerException when converting to boolean for null values
137                if (boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
138                    return (T) Boolean.FALSE;
139                }
140                return null;
141            }
143            // eager same instance type test to avoid the overhead of invoking the type converter
144            // if already same type
145            if (type.isInstance(value)) {
146                return type.cast(value);
147            }
149            return ExchangeHelper.convertToType(this, type, value);
150        }
152        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
153        public <T> T getProperty(String name, Object defaultValue, Class<T> type) {
154            Object value = getProperty(name, defaultValue);
155            if (value == null) {
156                // lets avoid NullPointerException when converting to boolean for null values
157                if (boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
158                    return (T) Boolean.FALSE;
159                }
160                return null;
161            }
163            // eager same instance type test to avoid the overhead of invoking the type converter
164            // if already same type
165            if (type.isInstance(value)) {
166                return type.cast(value);
167            }
169            return ExchangeHelper.convertToType(this, type, value);
170        }
172        public void setProperty(String name, Object value) {
173            if (value != null) {
174                // avoid the NullPointException
175                getProperties().put(name, value);
176            } else {
177                // if the value is null, we just remove the key from the map
178                if (name != null) {
179                    getProperties().remove(name);
180                }
181            }
182        }
184        public Object removeProperty(String name) {
185            if (!hasProperties()) {
186                return null;
187            }
188            return getProperties().remove(name);
189        }
191        public Map<String, Object> getProperties() {
192            if (properties == null) {
193                properties = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>();
194            }
195            return properties;
196        }
198        public boolean hasProperties() {
199            return properties != null && !properties.isEmpty();
200        }
202        public void setProperties(Map<String, Object> properties) {
203            this.properties = properties;
204        }
206        public Message getIn() {
207            if (in == null) {
208                in = new DefaultMessage();
209                configureMessage(in);
210            }
211            return in;
212        }
214        public <T> T getIn(Class<T> type) {
215            Message in = getIn();
217            // eager same instance type test to avoid the overhead of invoking the type converter
218            // if already same type
219            if (type.isInstance(in)) {
220                return type.cast(in);
221            }
223            // fallback to use type converter
224            return context.getTypeConverter().convertTo(type, this, in);
225        }
227        public void setIn(Message in) {
228            this.in = in;
229            configureMessage(in);
230        }
232        public Message getOut() {
233            // lazy create
234            if (out == null) {
235                out = (in != null && in instanceof MessageSupport)
236                    ? ((MessageSupport)in).newInstance() : new DefaultMessage();
237                configureMessage(out);
238            }
239            return out;
240        }
242        public <T> T getOut(Class<T> type) {
243            if (!hasOut()) {
244                return null;
245            }
247            Message out = getOut();
249            // eager same instance type test to avoid the overhead of invoking the type converter
250            // if already same type
251            if (type.isInstance(out)) {
252                return type.cast(out);
253            }
255            // fallback to use type converter
256            return context.getTypeConverter().convertTo(type, this, out);
257        }
259        public boolean hasOut() {
260            return out != null;
261        }
263        public void setOut(Message out) {
264            this.out = out;
265            configureMessage(out);
266        }
268        public Exception getException() {
269            return exception;
270        }
272        public <T> T getException(Class<T> type) {
273            return ObjectHelper.getException(type, exception);
274        }
276        public void setException(Throwable t) {
277            if (t == null) {
278                this.exception = null;
279            } else if (t instanceof Exception) {
280                this.exception = (Exception) t;
281            } else {
282                // wrap throwable into an exception
283                this.exception = ObjectHelper.wrapCamelExecutionException(this, t);
284            }
285        }
287        public ExchangePattern getPattern() {
288            return pattern;
289        }
291        public void setPattern(ExchangePattern pattern) {
292            this.pattern = pattern;
293        }
295        public Endpoint getFromEndpoint() {
296            return fromEndpoint;
297        }
299        public void setFromEndpoint(Endpoint fromEndpoint) {
300            this.fromEndpoint = fromEndpoint;
301        }
303        public String getFromRouteId() {
304            return fromRouteId;
305        }
307        public void setFromRouteId(String fromRouteId) {
308            this.fromRouteId = fromRouteId;
309        }
311        public String getExchangeId() {
312            if (exchangeId == null) {
313                exchangeId = createExchangeId();
314            }
315            return exchangeId;
316        }
318        public void setExchangeId(String id) {
319            this.exchangeId = id;
320        }
322        public boolean isFailed() {
323            return (hasOut() && getOut().isFault()) || getException() != null;
324        }
326        public boolean isTransacted() {
327            UnitOfWork uow = getUnitOfWork();
328            if (uow != null) {
329                return uow.isTransacted();
330            } else {
331                return false;
332            }
333        }
335        public Boolean isExternalRedelivered() {
336            Boolean answer = null;
338            // check property first, as the implementation details to know if the message
339            // was externally redelivered is message specific, and thus the message implementation
340            // could potentially change during routing, and therefore later we may not know if the
341            // original message was externally redelivered or not, therefore we store this detail
342            // as a exchange property to keep it around for the lifecycle of the exchange
343            if (hasProperties()) {
344                answer = getProperty(Exchange.EXTERNAL_REDELIVERED, null, Boolean.class);
345            }
347            if (answer == null) {
348                // lets avoid adding methods to the Message API, so we use the
349                // DefaultMessage to allow component specific messages to extend
350                // and implement the isExternalRedelivered method.
351                DefaultMessage msg = getIn(DefaultMessage.class);
352                if (msg != null) {
353                    answer = msg.isTransactedRedelivered();
354                    // store as property to keep around
355                    setProperty(Exchange.EXTERNAL_REDELIVERED, answer);
356                }
357            }
359            return answer;
360        }
362        public boolean isRollbackOnly() {
363            return Boolean.TRUE.equals(getProperty(Exchange.ROLLBACK_ONLY)) || Boolean.TRUE.equals(getProperty(Exchange.ROLLBACK_ONLY_LAST));
364        }
366        public UnitOfWork getUnitOfWork() {
367            return unitOfWork;
368        }
370        public void setUnitOfWork(UnitOfWork unitOfWork) {
371            this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
372            if (onCompletions != null) {
373                // now an unit of work has been assigned so add the on completions
374                // we might have registered already
375                for (Synchronization onCompletion : onCompletions) {
376                    unitOfWork.addSynchronization(onCompletion);
377                }
378                // cleanup the temporary on completion list as they now have been registered
379                // on the unit of work
380                onCompletions.clear();
381                onCompletions = null;
382            }
383        }
385        public void addOnCompletion(Synchronization onCompletion) {
386            if (unitOfWork == null) {
387                // unit of work not yet registered so we store the on completion temporary
388                // until the unit of work is assigned to this exchange by the unit of work
389                if (onCompletions == null) {
390                    onCompletions = new ArrayList<Synchronization>();
391                }
392                onCompletions.add(onCompletion);
393            } else {
394                getUnitOfWork().addSynchronization(onCompletion);
395            }
396        }
398        public boolean containsOnCompletion(Synchronization onCompletion) {
399            if (unitOfWork != null) {
400                // if there is an unit of work then the completions is moved there
401                return unitOfWork.containsSynchronization(onCompletion);
402            } else {
403                // check temporary completions if no unit of work yet
404                return onCompletions != null && onCompletions.contains(onCompletion);
405            }
406        }
408        public void handoverCompletions(Exchange target) {
409            if (onCompletions != null) {
410                for (Synchronization onCompletion : onCompletions) {
411                    target.addOnCompletion(onCompletion);
412                }
413                // cleanup the temporary on completion list as they have been handed over
414                onCompletions.clear();
415                onCompletions = null;
416            } else if (unitOfWork != null) {
417                // let unit of work handover
418                unitOfWork.handoverSynchronization(target);
419            }
420        }
422        public List<Synchronization> handoverCompletions() {
423            List<Synchronization> answer = null;
424            if (onCompletions != null) {
425                answer = new ArrayList<Synchronization>(onCompletions);
426                onCompletions.clear();
427                onCompletions = null;
428            }
429            return answer;
430        }
432        /**
433         * Configures the message after it has been set on the exchange
434         */
435        protected void configureMessage(Message message) {
436            if (message instanceof MessageSupport) {
437                MessageSupport messageSupport = (MessageSupport)message;
438                messageSupport.setExchange(this);
439            }
440        }
442        @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
443        protected String createExchangeId() {
444            String answer = null;
445            if (in != null) {
446                answer = in.createExchangeId();
447            }
448            if (answer == null) {
449                answer = context.getUuidGenerator().generateUuid();
450            }
451            return answer;
452        }
453    }