001    /**
002     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003     * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004     * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005     * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006     * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007     * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008     *
009     *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010     *
011     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015     * limitations under the License.
016     */
017    package org.apache.camel.component.bean;
019    import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
020    import org.apache.camel.NoSuchBeanException;
021    import org.apache.camel.Processor;
022    import org.apache.camel.spi.Registry;
023    import org.apache.camel.util.CamelContextHelper;
025    /**
026     * An implementation of a {@link BeanHolder} which will look up a bean from the registry and act as a cache of its metadata
027     *
028     * @version 
029     */
030    public class RegistryBean implements BeanHolder {
031        private final Object lock = new Object();
032        private final CamelContext context;
033        private final String name;
034        private final Registry registry;
035        private volatile Processor processor;
036        private volatile BeanInfo beanInfo;
037        private volatile Object bean;
038        private ParameterMappingStrategy parameterMappingStrategy;
040        public RegistryBean(CamelContext context, String name) {
041            this.context = context;
042            this.name = name;
043            this.registry = context.getRegistry();
044        }
046        public RegistryBean(Registry registry, CamelContext context, String name) {
047            this.registry = registry;
048            this.context = context;
049            this.name = name;
050        }
052        @Override
053        public String toString() {
054            return "bean: " + name;
055        }
057        public ConstantBeanHolder createCacheHolder() throws Exception {
058            Object bean = getBean();
059            BeanInfo info = createBeanInfo(bean);
060            return new ConstantBeanHolder(bean, info);
061        }
063        public Object getBean() throws NoSuchBeanException {
064            // must always lookup bean first
065            Object value = lookupBean();
067            if (value != null) {
068                // could be a class then create an instance of it
069                if (value instanceof Class) {
070                    // bean is a class so create an instance of it
071                    value = context.getInjector().newInstance((Class<?>)value);
072                }
073                bean = value;
074                return value;
075            }
077            // okay bean is not in registry, so try to resolve if its a class name and create a shared instance
078            synchronized (lock) {
079                if (bean != null) {
080                    return bean;
081                }
083                // maybe its a class
084                bean = context.getClassResolver().resolveClass(name);
085                if (bean == null) {
086                    // no its not a class then we cannot find the bean
087                    throw new NoSuchBeanException(name);
088                }
089                // could be a class then create an instance of it
090                if (bean instanceof Class) {
091                    // bean is a class so create an instance of it
092                    bean = context.getInjector().newInstance((Class<?>)bean);
093                }
094            }
096            return bean;
097        }
099        public Processor getProcessor() {
100            if (processor == null && bean != null) {
101                processor = CamelContextHelper.convertTo(context, Processor.class, bean);
102            }
103            return processor;
104        }
106        public BeanInfo getBeanInfo() {
107            if (beanInfo == null && bean != null) {
108                this.beanInfo = createBeanInfo(bean);
109            }
110            return beanInfo;
111        }
113        public BeanInfo getBeanInfo(Object bean) {
114            if (this.bean == bean) {
115                return getBeanInfo();
116            } else {
117                return createBeanInfo(bean);
118            }
119        }
121        public String getName() {
122            return name;
123        }
125        public Registry getRegistry() {
126            return registry;
127        }
129        public CamelContext getContext() {
130            return context;
131        }
133        public ParameterMappingStrategy getParameterMappingStrategy() {
134            if (parameterMappingStrategy == null) {
135                parameterMappingStrategy = createParameterMappingStrategy();
136            }
137            return parameterMappingStrategy;
138        }
140        public void setParameterMappingStrategy(ParameterMappingStrategy parameterMappingStrategy) {
141            this.parameterMappingStrategy = parameterMappingStrategy;
142        }
144        // Implementation methods
145        //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
146        protected BeanInfo createBeanInfo(Object bean) {
147            return new BeanInfo(context, bean.getClass(), getParameterMappingStrategy());
148        }
150        protected ParameterMappingStrategy createParameterMappingStrategy() {
151            return BeanInfo.createParameterMappingStrategy(context);
152        }
154        protected Object lookupBean() {
155            return registry.lookupByName(name);
156        }
157    }