
The binary distribution bundles a simple math service to a get a feel for Airavata and run a helloworld style example. The tutorial intended to demonstrate construction, execution and monitoring of a workflow using this simple service.

Start Airavata Server and Launch GUI

Before following the next instructions, make sure Airavata Server is up and running XBaya GUI is launched and Airavata Registry is configured from XBaya. Instructions are provided at Quick Start Tutorials introduction Page.

Construct a simple workflow

  • Import the pre-registered simple-math-service workflow from registry.

    • From the main menu select:
      • XBaya -> Import -> WSDL from URL...
    • Specify the WSDL URL as follows:
    • If the WSDL was successfully added you will see another Component in Left Side Components view. Expand the new Component until you see the available operations for SimpleMathServcie.
  • Construct a simple workflow.

    • First create a new workflow from XBaya -> New -> Workflow so you will see a new workflow panel loaded into XBaya.
    • Create a workflow to invoke the greet method in SimpleMathServcie.
    • From Components view select & drag-drop the following in to workflow sheet in the center of XBaya window.
      • the greet Method
      • Components -> System Components -> Input
      • Components -> System Components -> Output
    • Connect the added components as shown in the figure 11
    • You have now successfully created a workflow to invoke the greet operation in the SimpleMathService.

Executing & Monitoring a Workflow

  • Launch the workflow constructed in previous steps.

    • Run the workflow by clicking Run -> Run on Interpreter Server...
      Or just click on the red play icon at the top panel of XBaya.
    • Specify the input value a string to greet and a experiment name.
    • The Workflow Interpreter and and GFac URL can be left with default values.
    • Click OK to launch this worklow
  • The workflow will now launch and the Monitoring view at the bottom of XBaya will show you the progress of the workflow execution.

  • The steps can be repeated to constructed to create simple workflows for other methods (add, substract and multiply) in the simple math service. The Workflow Samples page describes some of these workflows.