Apache Accumulo Constraints Example
This an example of how to create a table with constraints. Below a table is create with two example constraints. One constraints does not allow non alpha numeric keys. The other constraint does not allow non numeric values. Two inserts that violate these constraints are attempted and denied. The scan at the end shows the inserts were not allowed.
$ ./bin/accumulo shell -u username -p pass Shell - Apache Accumulo Interactive Shell - - version: 1.3.x-incubating - instance name: instance - instance id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - - type 'help' for a list of available commands - username@instance> createtable testConstraints username@instance testConstraints> config -t testConstraints -s table.constraint.1=org.apache.accumulo.examples.constraints.NumericValueConstraint username@instance testConstraints> config -t testConstraints -s table.constraint.2=org.apache.accumulo.examples.constraints.AlphaNumKeyConstrain username@instance testConstraints> insert r1 cf1 cq1 1111 username@instance testConstraints> insert r1 cf1 cq1 ABC Constraint Failures: ConstraintViolationSummary(constrainClass:org.apache.accumulo.examples.constraints.NumericValueConstraint, violationCode:1, violationDescription:Value is not numeric, numberOfViolatingMutations:1) username@instance testConstraints> insert r1! cf1 cq1 ABC Constraint Failures: ConstraintViolationSummary(constrainClass:org.apache.accumulo.examples.constraints.NumericValueConstraint, violationCode:1, violationDescription:Value is not numeric, numberOfViolatingMutations:1) ConstraintViolationSummary(constrainClass:org.apache.accumulo.examples.constraints.AlphaNumKeyConstraint, violationCode:1, violationDescription:Row was not alpha numeric, numberOfViolatingMutations:1) username@instance testConstraints> scan r1 cf1:cq1 [] 1111 username@instance testConstraints>