Apache Accumulo Aggregation Example

This is a simple aggregation example. To build this example run maven and then copy the produced jar into the accumulo lib dir. This is already done in the tar distribution.

$ bin/accumulo shell -u username
Enter current password for 'username'@'instance': ***

Shell - Apache Accumulo Interactive Shell
- version: 1.3.x-incubating
- instance name: instance
- instance id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
- type 'help' for a list of available commands
username@instance> createtable aggtest1 -a app=org.apache.accumulo.examples.aggregation.SortedSetAggregator
username@instance aggtest1> insert foo app 1 a
username@instance aggtest1> insert foo app 1 b
username@instance aggtest1> scan
foo app:1 []  a,b
username@instance aggtest1> insert foo app 1 z,1,foo,w
username@instance aggtest1> scan
foo app:1 []  1,a,b,foo,w,z
username@instance aggtest1> insert foo app 2 cat,dog,muskrat
username@instance aggtest1> insert foo app 2 mouse,bird
username@instance aggtest1> scan
foo app:1 []  1,a,b,foo,w,z
foo app:2 []  bird,cat,dog,mouse,muskrat
username@instance aggtest1>

In this example a table is created and the example set aggregator is applied to the column family app.