{% include "head.html" %}

ASF Content Management System

Available Projects

{% for p in projects %}
{{ p }}
Get {{ p }} Working Copy
Force New {{ p }} Working Copy
Force New {{ p }} Clone of 'anonymous' Working Copy
View {{ p }}-site-staging Builds
Publish {{ p }} site
{% endfor %}

Recommended Bookmarklet

Please be sure to install the bookmarklet on your browser toolbar by either dragging and dropping the ASF CMS link to your toolbar or by creating a new bookmark by either right-clicking on that link and selecting "Bookmark this Link", or by opening a "New Bookmark" dialog screen from your browser's menu and typing the following into the Location/URL field:


Without this bookmarklet installed you will not be able to browse the live site and instantly edit pages in the CMS by clicking on the bookmarklet. This is an essential component of the CMS and is therefore strongly recommended.

To use the bookmarklet simply browse your live production or staging site (NOT the cms!), locate a page you'd like to edit, and click on the bookmarklet. You'll be taken to a page within the cms that allows you to edit the content by clicking on the [Edit] link.