ASF CMS STATUS Currently in production for ~5 dozen projects, at version 1.x, and ready for wide-scale adoption. The only feature currently lacking is support for per-branch staging builds, but we'll get there. So, How do I use this damned thing? To build stuff you need the build/ subdir. The relevant scripts are and There are only a few modest perl prereqs, but the odd one to pick up is the python markdown package. Be sure to set your MARKDOWN_SOCKET env var to something appropriate for both the build scripts and build/, and to pick up the python Pygments package for codehilighting support. To get the daemon started (*nix only) just invoke ./ from within the build dir. See for details on the python prereqs. There are some conversion utilities for converting sources to markdown. For anakia based stuff use % xsltproc conversion-utilities/anakia2markdown.xslt path/to/xml/source.xml \ | ./conversion-utilities/ > path/to/markdown/file.mdtext (there are a few caveats with this, one being that the xml source file needs to contain an enveloping
block for the actual content). Also, be sure to add *.mdtext = svn:eol-style=native to your ~/.subversion/config file. More stuff in conversion-utilities/cwiki related to confluence migration is ongoing. SETUP ===== 0) Read the pod documentation in webgui/lib/ASF/ to get a general feel for what needs local modification. 1) From CPAN I had to install (you only need these if you're building the www site): sudo perl -MCPAN -e shell install XML::RSS::Parser::Lite install XML::Atom If you want restructured text support: install Text::Restructured * you may need to "force install Text::Restructured" - was necessary on my box. 2) Checkout CMS svn co apache-cms 3) Checkout the project's site repo svn co svn__site SITE GENERATION =============== 1) cd into the project site repo 2) mkdir t 3) run CMS site generation ../apache-cms/build/ --source-base . --target-base ./t (whatever the relative path is to 4) open t/index.html in a browser TODO ==== Migrate the wmd stuff to pagedown- it's actively developed.