Marmotta Kiwi Repository Service

The module allows to use the Marmota KiWi TripleStore within an OSGI environment.


The configuration of a KiWi TripleStore is done by an OSGI Component that configures the Kiwi Configuration based on the provided OSGI configuration. The following figure shows the configuration dialog.

Marmotta KiWi Repository Service Configuration Dialog

Repository Service

Providing a OSGI configuration for the KiWiRepositoryService component will cause a KiWi Repository to be configured during activation. This Sesame Repository will get registered as OSGI service with the parameters as shown in the following figure.

Marmotta KiWi Repository Service

The marked property is of special interest as it can be used to track for a Sesame Repository with a specific name. As an Example the Repository with the name dummy can be tracked with the Filter
