Build your launcher


A Stanbol launcher is a big set of bundles that work together and provide features packages (EntityHub, ContentHub, Enhancer,...). Each features package need a list of bundles to work smoothly.

Thanks for Stanbol design, you can have in your server only some of the proposed features package (for example only the EntityHub and Enhancer, without others features). Then you only need required bundles for the features package you want.
But identify and manually add all feature's required bundles can be pain and long. Hopefully, the bundlelist mechanism allow the creation of specific set of bundles that will be added together to the launcher and started in the right way.

Stanbol launcher's use this bundlelist mechanism. Let's dive into the details.

Use existing bundlelists to build your launcher

Dependencies to bundlelist


Build your launcher

Create your own bundlelist

Build your bundlelist dependency

      |- pom.xml
      |- src
          |- main
              |- bundles
                   |- list.xml

<startlevel level="L0">
...Maven groupId,artifactID and version properties...
...another Maven's dependency information...
<startlevel level="L1">
... anothers bundles nodes...

Add your bundlelist to your launcher

