Lucy::Store::LockFactory - Create Locks.


    use Sys::Hostname qw( hostname );
    my $hostname = hostname() or die "Can't get unique hostname";
    my $folder = Lucy::Store::FSFolder->new( 
        path => '/path/to/index', 
    my $lock_factory = Lucy::Store::LockFactory->new(
        folder => $folder,
        host   => $hostname,
    my $write_lock = $lock_factory->make_lock(
        name     => 'write',
        timeout  => 5000,
        interval => 100,


LockFactory is used to spin off interprocess mutex locks used by various index reading and writing components. The default implementation uses lockfiles, but LockFactory subclasses which are implemented using alternatives such as flock() are possible.


new( [labeled params] )

    my $lock_factory = Lucy::Store::LockFactory->new(
        folder => $folder,      # required
        host   => $hostname,    # required


make_lock( [labeled params] )

Return a Lock object, which, once obtain() returns successfully, maintains an exclusive lock on a resource.

make_shared_lock( [labeled params] )

Return a Lock object for which shared() returns true, and which maintains a non-exclusive lock on a resource once obtain() returns success.


Lucy::Store::LockFactory isa Clownfish::Obj.