All Classes and Interfaces

Class used to match candidate queries selected by a Presearcher from a Monitor query index.
Utility class for concurrently loading queries into a Monitor.
Builds a QueryTree for a query that needs custom treatment
A query match containing the score explanation of the match
QueryMatch object that contains the hit positions of a matching Query
Represents an individual hit
Interface for the creation of new CandidateMatcher objects
Class to hold the results of matching a single Document against queries held in the Monitor
A Monitor contains a set of Query objects with associated IDs, and efficiently matches them against sets of Document objects.
Statistics for the query cache and query index
Encapsulates various configuration settings for a Monitor's query index
Defines a query to be stored in a Monitor
Serializes and deserializes MonitorQuery objects into byte streams
For reporting events on a Monitor's query index
Class to hold the results of matching a batch of Documents against queries held in the Monitor
A TermFilteredPresearcher that indexes queries multiple times, with terms collected from different routes through a querytree.
Matcher class that runs matching queries in parallel.
A multi-threaded matcher that collects all possible matches in one pass, and then partitions them amongst a number of worker threads to perform the actual matching.
A Presearcher is used by the Monitor to reduce the number of queries actually run against a Document.
Wraps a QueryMatch with information about which queries were selected by the presearcher
Wraps a MultiMatchingQueries with information on which presearcher queries were selected
Split a disjunction query into its consituent parts, so that they can be indexed and run separately in the Monitor.
Represents a match for a specific query and document
Notified of the time it takes to run individual queries against a set of documents
A representation of a node in a query tree
A query handler implementation that matches Regexp queries by indexing regex terms by their longest static substring, and generates ngrams from Document tokens to match them.
A QueryMatch that reports scores for each match
Reports on slow queries in a given match run
An individual entry in the slow log
Presearcher implementation that uses terms extracted from queries to index them in the Monitor, and builds a disjunction from terms in a document to match them.
Constructs a document disjunction from a set of terms
Calculates the weight of a Term