Windows XP Installation Guide


Get the latest JRE 6 from Sun: Follow the installation instructions Check if the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set correctly

Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables Under "System variables" you should see a JAVA_HOME entry

If there is such a variable click on "Edit" and check if the path lead to the corresponding JRE 6 path (e.g. C:/Program Files/Java/jre6) If the variable is missing click on "New", set the "Variable name" to JAVA_HOME and the "Variable value" to the right path (e.g. C:Program FilesJavajre6) In case you have a proxy for your internet connection you should check the Java network settings

Start > Control Panel > Java > Network settings If the default setting is not correct (use browser settings) enter your proxy settings directly

Apache Tomcat

Get the latest Tomcat release: (the "Windows Service Installer" is the best choice), install and start it. Remember your port number. During the installation procedure you can take the default (port 8080) or port 80.


Get the latest Maven release: Unzip the file on your machine (preferably with no blanks in the path name, e.g. c:maven) Some environment variables need to be set.

Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment Variables Add the following system variables with the corresponding values

Variable: M2_HOME    Value:  (e.g. c:maven)
Variable: M2     Value: %M2_HOME%bin
Variable: MAVEN_OPTS     Value: -Xms256m -Xmx512m
In case you have a proxy for your internet connection you need to change the settings.xml file in the conf directory.


On windows, the file can be found at C:/Documents and Settings//.m2

Get the ESME source

Get the latest source at Be aware that the source code might have errors/bugs. Therefore you can try out the following revisions that I've tried out and build successfully:

Ideally you should have a subversion client installed on your machine (e.g. Tortoise SVN:

The next steps describe how you can download the code with the Tortoise svn client:

In case you have a proxy for your internet connection you need to change the Tortoise SVN settings. After changing click on "OK".

Start the checkout with the SVN client (right-click mouse on an empty directory).

Enter the URL to the ESME repository. In case you want to have the most current sources select "HEAD revision". If you want to be on the safe side take one of the revisions listed above.

After clicking "OK" the code should start downloading.

Building ESME

Start the command line: press the and key. Change to the trunkserver directory of the downloaded ESME code (with cd xxxxx). Start the build with mvn install. If no errors appeared you can find a .WAR file in the trunk/server/target directory.

Deploying ESME

Ensure that the Tomcat service is running. Take the .war file and rename it to esme.war. Copy the file to the tomcat webapps directory (e.g. C:/tomcat60/webapps). Tomcat will expand the war file automatically. Now you've deployed ESME on the tomcat server.

Starting ESME

Go to your browser and call the address http://localhost:/esme