--[[ Script to generate files of PGP keys for committers Also creates indexes by committer name It reads the following files from /var/www/html/public/: public_ldap_people.json - uids and fingerPrints It creates: /var/www/html/keys/committer/{uid}.asc /var/www/html/keys/committer/index.html /var/www/tools/pgpkeys - keyring ]] local JSON = require 'cjson' local DOW = math.floor(os.time()/86400)%7 -- generate rolling logs over 7 days local LOG = ([[/var/www/html/keys/pgp%d.log]]):format(DOW) os.remove(LOG) print("Log file" .. LOG) local log = io.open(LOG, "w") log:write(os.date(),"\n") --PGP interface -- using --batch causes gpg to write some output to log-file instead of stderr local GPG_ARGS = "gpg --keyring /var/www/tools/pgpkeys --no-default-keyring --no-tty --quiet --batch --no-secmem-warning --display-charset utf-8 --keyserver-options no-honor-keyserver-url " local GPG_SERVER_1 = "keyserver.ubuntu.com" local GPG_SERVER_2 = "keys.openpgp.org" -- Unfortunately GPG writes messages to stderr and Lua does not handle that in io.popen -- --logger-fd/logger-file can be used to redirect the progress (and some error-related) messages -- Does not seem to be a way to redirect errors except by using the shell -- Also GPG exits with status 2 if just one of the refresh fetches fails -- list-keys/--fingerprint only fails if all specified keys are unavailable; does not write to logger; reports to stderr -- export ditto -- recv-keys: writes to logger and stderr if one key fails; stderr has the most useful output -- ditto refresh; most useful output is on stderr -- It looks like redirecting stderr to stdout in combination with logger-file will work. -- If command status is failure, then output is the error message otherwise it is the result (if any) -- Some failures don't set error status, e.g. --recv-key can report success with the message: -- gpg: key xxxxxxx: new key but contains no user ID - skipped local function pgpfunc(func, ...) local success, grv = pgpfunc_one(GPG_SERVER_1, func, ...) -- only retry recv-keys: -- does not make sense to retry --refresh (takes too long) -- other functions don't use the server if not success then if func == '--recv-keys' then log:write("Main server failed, trying backup\n") success, grv = pgpfunc_one(GPG_SERVER_2, func, ...) if success then -- does this ever happen? log:write("** Backup server success! **\n") end end end return success, grv end function pgpfunc_one(gpg_server, func, ...) log:write(("Server: %s command %s\n"):format(gpg_server, table.concat({func,...},' '))) local command = GPG_ARGS .. "--keyserver " .. gpg_server .. " " .. func for _, v in ipairs({...}) do command = command .. " " .. v end command = command .. " 2>&1" local gp = io.popen(command) local grv = gp:read("*a") -- slurp result local success, exitOrSignal, code = gp:close() if success and func == '--recv-keys' then -- there should be no output from a successful fetch success = string.len(grv) == 0 end if not success then log:write(tostring(success), " ", exitOrSignal, " ", code, " ", grv, "\n") end return success, grv end local PUBLIC_JSON = "/var/www/html/public/" local function readJSON(file) local f = io.open(PUBLIC_JSON .. file, "rb") local contents = f:read("*a") f:close() return JSON.decode(contents) end function pairsByKeys (t, f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end table.sort(a, f) local i = 0 -- iterator variable local iter = function () -- iterator function i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]] end end return iter end -- get the current set of keys in the database local dbkeys={} -- squashed fpkeys from LDAP local dbkeyct = 0 local ok, fps = pgpfunc('--fingerprint') -- fetch all the fingerprints if ok then -- scan the output looking for fps for key in fps:gmatch(" ([0-9a-fA-F ]+)\n") do dbkeys[(key:gsub(' ',''))]=1 -- extra () are to throw away the subs count dbkeyct = dbkeyct + 1 end end local people = readJSON("public_ldap_people.json") local keys = {} -- user keys with data in pgp database local validkeys = {} -- user keys with valid syntax local badkeys = {} -- [uid][key]=failure reason local committers = {} local failed = 0 -- how many keys did not fetch OK local invalid = 0 -- how many keys did not validate local newkeys = 0 -- how many new keys fetched -- refresh is expensive, only do it once a week if DOW == 4 and arg[1] ~= '--no-refresh' then print("Refreshing the pgp database...") log:write("Refreshing the pgp database\n") pgpfunc('--refresh') -- does not seem to have useful status/stderr output print("...done") end for uid, entry in pairs(people.people) do os.remove("/var/www/html/keys/committer/" .. uid .. ".asc") table.insert(committers, uid) badkeys[uid] = {} for _, key in pairs(entry.key_fingerprints or {}) do local skey = key:gsub("[^0-9a-fA-F]", "") -- INFRA-12042 use only full fingerprints -- Note: 32 char keys are obsolete V3 ones which aren't available over HKP anyway if string.len(skey) == 40 then validkeys[skey:upper()] = 1 -- fps in pgp database are upper case if not dbkeys[skey:upper()] then log:write("Fetching key " .. skey .. " for " .. uid .. "...\n") local ok, res = pgpfunc('--recv-keys', skey) if ok then log:write(("User: %s key %s - fetched from remote\n"):format(uid, skey)) newkeys = newkeys +1 else log:write(("User: %s key %s - fetch failed: (%s) %s\n"):format(uid, skey, tostring(ok), res)) end end local found = false local ok, data = pgpfunc('--fingerprint', skey) if ok then local id,_ = data:match(" ([0-9a-fA-F ]+)\n") if id then local ok, body = pgpfunc('--export', '--armor', skey) if ok then -- only store the key id if it was found found = true keys[uid] = keys[uid] or {} table.insert(keys[uid], key) log:write("Writing key " .. key .. " for " .. uid .. "...\n") local f = io.open("/var/www/html/keys/committer/" .. uid .. ".asc", "a") f:write("ASF ID: " .. uid .. "\n") f:write("LDAP PGP key: " .. key .. "\n\n") f:write(id) f:write("\n") f:write(body) f:write("\n") f:close() else log:write(("User: %s key %s - export failed:\n%s\n"):format(uid, skey, body)) end else log:write(("User: %s key %s - could not extract fingerprint:\n%s\n"):format(uid, skey, data)) end else log:write(("User: %s key %s - fingerprint failed:\n%s\n"):format(uid, skey, data)) end if not found then log:write(("User: %s key %s - not found\n"):format(uid, skey)) failed = failed + 1 badkeys[uid][key] = 'key not found' end else log:write(("User: %s key %s - invalid (expecting 40 hex chars)\n"):format(uid, key)) invalid = invalid + 1 badkeys[uid][key] = 'invalid key (expecting 40 hex chars)' end end end for key, _ in pairs(dbkeys) do if not validkeys[key] then local ok, res = pgpfunc('--delete-keys', key) if ok then log:write(("Dropped unused key %s\n"):format(key)) else log:write(("Failed to drop unused key %s - %s\n"):format(key, res)) end end end log:write(os.date(),"\n") log:close() local f = io.open("/var/www/html/keys/committer/index.html", "w") f:write("ASF PGP Keys

committer signatures:

\n") table.sort(committers) for _, v in pairs(committers) do if keys[v] then for _, y in pairs(keys[v]) do f:write(("%30s %s\n"):format(v, v, v, y)) end end for k, r in pairs(badkeys[v]) do f:write(("%30s %s - %s\n"):format(v,v,k,r)) end end f:write(("\nGenerated: %s UTC\n"):format(os.date("!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))) f:write(("\nlastCreateTimestamp: %s\n"):format(people.lastCreateTimestamp or '?')) f:write(("Failed fetches: %d\n"):format(failed)) f:write(("Invalid keys: %d\n"):format(invalid)) f:write(("New keys: %d\n"):format(newkeys)) f:write("
") f:close() print("Done!")