[General] # server: irc.libera.chat server: localhost port: 6667 nickname: ASFBot description: ASF Multipurpose Bot ssl: false pubsubs: http://pubsub.apache.org:2069/ password: read('password.txt') oauth: read('oauth.txt') # Define this property to load only these plugins # plugins: about help meetings tell wall [Reporting] # Reporting syntax: # {xyz} = fetch the xyz variable # {xyz:100} = fetch up to the first 100 bytes of the xyz variable # {foo|bar} = fetch either foo or bar, whichever exists # foo = colorize 'foo' with the color N. # bar = turn 'bar' into bold text. # Reporting variables that can be used: # committer/author = the author of a commit (depending on svnpubsub version) # email = the email of the author of a commit (git only) # id/revision = the revision of a commit (svn only, depends on version) # ref = the ref (branch/tag) of a commit (git only) # hash = the short hash of a commit (git only) # link = the link to the svn/git/jira log entry # log = the commit message # changed_paths = The file(s) changed, full path or abbreviated svnFormat: {committer} * r{id} ({changed_paths}) {link} :\n{log} gitFormat: {email} {ref} * {hash} ({changed_paths}) {link} :\n{log} jiraFormat: JIRA: {log} [ {link} ] commentsFormat: [Comment] {author}: {log:250} [ {url} ] svnRepo: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf wikiFormat: {log} githubFormat: GitHub: {author} {action} a pull request: {title} - {url} [ViewVC] 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68: http://svn.apache.org/r{id} git: https://{server}.apache.org/repos/asf?p={project}.git;h={hash} JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/{instance}-{ticket} [Secretary] meetingFolder: /var/www/wilderness/archives # This appears to be obsolete: publicURL: http://wilderness.apache.org/archives/ logFolder: /var/www/wilderness/channels pasteToken: read('token.txt') jiraCredentials: read('jira_creds.txt') # Syntax: # : hostname or cloak karma level # [Karma] operator: localhost 10 secretary: localhost 3 ########################## # Channel configurations # ########################## # Syntax: # [Channel:#channelname] # tags: Which svn/git/jira tags to subscribe to # jiraName: The name of the JIRA instance to use for quick-search # jiraEverywhere: Flag to trigger JIRA links from the whole line of input # linesPerCommit: Same as global setting # truncateLines: Same as global # jenkinsURL: URL for Jenkins job scanning # jenkinsMatch: builds matching this will be announced in channel when they change # factoids: Whether to enable factoids. Can be set to reference another channel if need be. # revisionHints: Whether to enable r\d+ revision hints # hook: Callback function that determines whether a message goes through to the channel # logging: set to 'true' to enable channel logging. # hideAlerts: set to 'true' to disable the 'wall' feature in this channel. # hideDuplicates: flag to suppress duplicate commit notifications (i.e. git merges) # [Channel:#asfbot] # tags: .+ # jiraName: INFRA # linesPerCommit: 1 # truncateLines: true # factoids: true # [Channel:#accumulo] # jiraName: ACCUMULO BIGTOP HADOOP HBASE HDFS INFRA MAPREDUCE THRIFT YARN ZOOKEEPER # jiraEverywhere: on # hideDuplicates: on # tags: accumulo.* JIRA:ACCUMULO GitHub:accumulo # gitFormat: ({ref}) : {hash} "{log}" <{author}> # hook: False if ((commit['repository'] == 'JIRA' and 'log' in commit and (commit['log'].find("[Updated]") >= 0 or commit['log'].find("ASF subversion and git services") == 0)) or ('log' in commit and commit['log'].find("Merge branch") == 0)) else True # #jiraFormat: JIRA: {log} # [Channel:#allura] # jenkinsURL: https://builds.apache.org/job/allura/ # jenkinsMatch: Allura # [Channel:#apachehelix] # tags: helix JIRA:HELIX # jiraName: HELIX # [Channel:#apachemarmotta] # tags: marmotta JIRA:MARMOTTA # jiraName: MARMOTTA # [Channel:#apache-commons] # jiraName: COMMONSSITE ATTRIBUTES BCEL BEANUTILS BETWIXT BSF CHAIN CLI CODEC COLLECTIONS COMPRESS CONFIGURATION CSV DAEMON DBCP DBUTILS DIGESTER DISCOVERY DORMANT EL EMAIL EXEC FILEUPLOAD FUNCTOR IMAGING IO JCI JCS JELLY JEXL JXPATH LANG LAUNCHER LOGGING MATH MODELER NET OGNL POOL PRIMITIVES PROXY RESOURCES SANDBOX SANSELAN SCXML TRANSACTION VALIDATOR VFS # tags: commons JIRA:COMMONSSITE JIRA:ATTRIBUTES JIRA:BCEL JIRA:BEANUTILS JIRA:BETWIXT JIRA:BSF JIRA:CHAIN JIRA:CLI JIRA:CODEC JIRA:COLLECTIONS JIRA:COMPRESS JIRA:CONFIGURATION JIRA:CSV JIRA:DAEMON JIRA:DBCP JIRA:DBUTILS JIRA:DIGESTER JIRA:DISCOVERY JIRA:DORMANT JIRA:EL JIRA:EMAIL JIRA:EXEC JIRA:FILEUPLOAD JIRA:FUNCTOR JIRA:IMAGING JIRA:IO JIRA:JCI JIRA:JCS JIRA:JELLY JIRA:JEXL JIRA:JXPATH JIRA:LANG JIRA:LAUNCHER JIRA:LOGGING JIRA:MATH JIRA:MODELER JIRA:NET JIRA:OGNL JIRA:POOL JIRA:PRIMITIVES JIRA:PROXY JIRA:RESOURCES JIRA:SANDBOX JIRA:SANSELAN JIRA:SCXML JIRA:TRANSACTION JIRA:VALIDATOR JIRA:VFS # factoids: true # [Channel:#apache-cotton] # jiraName: COTTON # tags: JIRA:COTTON # logging: true # [Channel:#apache-logging] # jiraName: LOGCXX LOG4J2 LOG4NET LOG4PHP # tags: logging logging%-log4php JIRA:LOGCXX JIRA:LOG4J2 JIRA:LOG4NET JIRA:LOG4PHP # [Channel:#apache-metron] # jiraName: METRON # tags: metron JIRA:METRON # [Channel:#apache-sirona] # tags: incubator/sirona # [Channel:#apache-sentry] # jiraName: SENTRY # tags: sentry JIRA:SENTRY # logging: true # [Channel:#apache-syncope] # jiraName: SYNCOPE # tags: GitHub:syncope syncope JIRA:SYNCOPE # logging: true # [Channel:#apr] # tags: apr release/apr # revisionHints: true # [Channel:#archiva] # tags: archiva # revisionHints: true [Channel:#asf] [Channel:#asfmembers] # [Channel:#aurora] # jiraName: AURORA # tags: JIRA:AURORA # logging: true # ircNotice: true # [Channel:#bigtop] # jiraName: BIGTOP # tags: JIRA:BIGTOP GitHub:bigtop.* # [Channel:#brooklyncentral] # jiraName: BROOKLYN # tags: JIRA:BROOKLYN GitHub:brooklyn.* # [Channel:#bval] # jiraName: BVAL # tags: bval # [Channel:#cassandra-dev] # logging: true # [Channel:#cloudstack] # jiraName: CLOUDSTACK # factoids: #cloudstack-dev # [Channel:#cloudstack-dev] # tags: cloudstack JIRA:CLOUDSTACK # hook: False if (commit['repository'] == 'JIRA' and 'log' in commit and not (commit['log'].find("[Created]") >= 0)) else True # jiraName: CLOUDSTACK # factoids: true # [Channel:#cloudstack-meeting] # jiraName: CLOUDSTACK # hideAlerts: true # [Channel:#cordova] # tags: cordova-.+ GitHub:cordova.* # gitFormat: {project} ({ref}): {hash} "{log}" <{email}> # [Channel:#couchdb] # jiraName: COUCHDB # search: http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/search.html?check_keywords=yes&area=default&q= # hideAlerts: true # [Channel:#couchdb-dev] # tags: couchdb JIRA:COUCHDB GitHub:couchdb.* # gitFormat: {email} {ref} * {hash} ({changed_paths}) {link} :\n{log} # githubFormat: GitHub: {author} {action} a Pull Request: {title} - {url} # hook: False if ((commit['repository'] == 'JIRA' and 'log' in commit and commit['log'].find("[Updated]") >= 0) or (commit['repository'] == "github" and commit['action'] != 'opened')) else (False if (commit.get('repository') == 'git' and not (commit['ref'] == 'main' or (__import__('re').compile('[\dx]+\.[\dx]+\.[\dx]+').match(commit['ref']) is not None))) else True) # jiraName: COUCHDB # search: http://docs.couchdb.org/en/latest/search.html?check_keywords=yes&area=default&q= # [Channel:#couchdb-meeting] # jiraName: COUCHDB # hideAlerts: true # [Channel:#httpd] # tags: comments:httpd # hideAlerts: true # [Channel:#httpd-dev] # tags: httpd release/httpd dev/httpd # bugzilla: https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/ # revisionHints: true # [Channel:#juddi] # jiraName: JUDDI # tags: juddi JIRA:JUDDI # [Channel:#kibble] # tags: kibble.* GitHub:kibble.* # [Channel:#libcloud] # tags: libcloud dev/libcloud release/libcloud # jiraName: LIBCLOUD # [Channel:#maven-dev] # tags: JIRA:MNG GitHub:Maven # allowLogging: true # logging: true # [Channel:#maven] # tags: JIRA:MNG GitHub:Maven # allowLogging: true # logging: true # [Channel:#mesos] # jiraName: MESOS # tags: JIRA:MESOS GitHub:mesos # logging: true # [Channel:#mesos-oversubscription] # jiraName: MESOS # tags: JIRA:MESOS GitHub:mesos # logging: true # [Channel:#myriad] # jiraName: MYRIAD # tags: JIRA:MYRIAD GitHub:incubator-myriad # logging: true # [Channel:#npanday] # hideAlerts: true # [Channel:#openwebbeans] # tags: openwebbeans/trunk # [Channel:#parquet] # jiraName: PARQUET # tags: JIRA:PARQUET # [Channel:#provisionr] # tags: incubator.provisionr JIRA:PROVISIONR # [Channel:#samza] # tags: JIRA:SAMZA samza GitHub:samza.* # jiraName: SAMZA # [Channel:#serf] # tags: JIRA:SERF serf GitHub:serf.* # jiraName: SERF # revisionHints: true # linesPerCommit: 1 # truncateLines: true # [Channel:#svn-dev] # tags: subversion dev/subversion release/subversion JIRA:SVN # jiraName: SVN # linesPerCommit: 1 # truncateLines: true # bugzilla: http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/ # revisionHints: true # logging: true # [Channel:#svn] # jiraName: SVN # bugzilla: http://subversion.tigris.org/issues/ # revisionHints: true # hideAlerts: true # logging: true # [Channel:#struts] # jiraName: WW # tags: GitHub:struts # [Channel:#tajo] # jiraName: TAJO # tags: JIRA:TAJO GitHub:tajo tajo.* # [Channel:#taverna] # jiraName: TAVERNA # tags: JIRA:TAVERNA GitHub:incubator-taverna incubator-taverna.* # logging: true # [Channel:#thrift] # jiraName: THRIFT # tags: JIRA:THRIFT # [Channel:#traffic-server] # tags: GitHub:trafficserver.* # jiraName: TS # factoids: true # logging: true # hook: False if ((commit['repository'] == 'JIRA' and 'log' in commit and commit['log'].find("[Updated]") >= 0) or (commit['repository'] == "github" and commit['action'] != 'opened')) else True # [Channel:#traffic-server-ci] # tags: trafficserver release/trafficserver comments:trafficserver GitHub:trafficserver.* # jenkinsURL: https://ci.trafficserver.apache.org/ # jenkinsMatch: .+ # jiraName: TS # factoids: true # [Channel:#wiab] # jiraName: WAVE # tags: JIRA:WAVE