##################################### ASFBot - Multipurpose secretarial bot ##################################### ======================== Installation and running ======================== 1) Download the bot from https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/infrastructure/trunk/projects/asfbot/ 2) Install Python 3.x (no longer works with Python 2) 3) Set up default channels and options in asfbot.cfg (use your favorite text editor) 4) run: python asfbot.py start (This should be done from ASFBot's folder, eg /usr/local/etc/asfbot) ===== Karma ===== Karma is used to access the features that are not meant for everyone. Infrastructure people will usually have a karma level of 10, which grants access to all features. To give a specific person karma on IRC, use the following command: `ASFBot: karma add [nick] [level]`, for example: `ASFBot: karma add Humbedooh 3`. This karma will be tied to the ident of the user, so please try to constrain this to registered users with a working cloak. To make the karma stick, add an entry in asfbot.cfg in the [Karma] section, as such: johndoe apache/committer/johndoe 3 The following karma levels are in effect (more to be added): [Action] [Required karma] Restart/stop ASFBot 10 Reload configuration 10 Set an option 10 Grant/remove karma 10 Display PubSub status 8 Reconnect to a PubSub service 8 Send an alert/speak as ASFBot (wall) 8 Join/leave a channel 8 Subscribe/unsubscribe to repos 6 List channel subscriptions 3 Use the meeting recording feature 3 Send emails with meeting summaries 3 Add comments to JIRA tickets 3 Reply to a comment on comments.a.o 2 Use the 'help' feature 0 Use the 'tell' feature 0 Use the issue info feature 0 Use the beer tab 0 ==================== Setting up reporting ==================== Reporting should initially be set up via the IRC interface, by asking ASFBot to join the appropriate channel. The following commands are usually used via #asftest: 1) `ASFBot: join #channel-name` (Join the channel yourself and execute step 2 in there) 2) `ASFBot: subscribe projectname` Once that is done, add an entry to the `channels` list in asfbot.cfg and commit the changes: [channel:#channel-name] tags: project-subversion-name othertag thirdtag You can use `ASFBot: reload` to reload asfbot.cfg with your changes (don't forget to svn up first!) For incubator projects, use the special tag `incubator.projectname` which will match against both `incubator/projectname` (Subversion) and `incubator-projectname` (Git repository). ============== JIRA Reporting ============== JIRA reporting works by emails sent to asfbot@urd.zones.apache.org being run through dumpsubject.lua, which - in the case of a JIRA update - passes this information onto the resident pubsub service on port 2069 (this is an inactive gitpubsub daemon that just passes on information) To subscribe a channel to JIRA reporting, follow these steps: 1) Subscribe asfbot@urd.zones.apache.org to the mailing list that reports JIRA updates 2) In the appropriate channel, write: `ASFBot: subscribe JIRA:[jira-name]` (fx JIRA:INFRA) OR 3) Add the JIRA:[jira-name] tag to asfbot.cfg and run `ASFBot: reconfigure`. ======== Factoids ======== Factoids can be served in any channel, if the 'factoids' directive is set in the channel's configuration. For factoids to persist, an admin must first touch 'factoids_#(channel).txt' in ASFBot's root directory, and chown it to the user ASFBot runs as (typically asfbot). ============ IRC Meetings ============ To set up a channel for meeting recording, add the following to the channel's configuration: allowLogging: true If the email feature is to be used, each person chairing a meeting should be set up with karma level 3 in the main [karma] configuration, fx: johndoe apache/committer/johndoe 3 ============ IRC Commands ============ IRC Commands can be used by IRC users with karma (see asfbot.cfg for the default list of users) wall [message] : Sends a message to all IRC channels ASFBot is in help : Lists the available commands join [channel name] : Joins a channel leave : Leaves the channel from which the command was issued subscribe [pattern] : Subscribes the current channel to directories matching [pattern] (using Lua Patterns) unsubscribe [pattern] : Unsubscribes the current channel from directories matching [pattern] (using Lua Patterns) subs : Lists the currently subscribed directories for the current channel karma [add|remove|list] [user] : Adds/removes/list karma (add people to config.lua for permanent karma) option [value] [key] : Sets an option specific to the channel. Use `help option` for more information reload : Reloads the configuration and any plugins available in the scripts folder reply [comment id] [message] : Replies to a comment through comments.apache.org comment [jira ticket id] [message] : Replies to a comment through JIRA restart : Restarts the IRC service. This is mainly used for reloading the core features status : Displays the current svnpubsub connection status tell [recipient] [message] : Notifies [recipient] of a message when he/she joins the channel or starts to talk. meeting [start|end] : Start/stop recording a meeting in a channel. factoids : Lists the currently known factoids for a channel, if factoids are enabled.