We are creating a HTML file per track, with schedule information for each session. Please use the format that is used in the template.html example file. Of particular importance is the anchor tag. You MUST use that format, or our scheduling will not link together correctly. Be sure to `svn up` before you start editing, so that you do not conflict with someone else working on a particular track. To "claim" a particular HTML file, `cp template.html whatever.html` and commit that file, to signal that someone is actively working on it. The file nam MUST match what we have used in the HOPIN platform, so that the links work, but don't let that block you. I can always rename the file afterwards. But do ping me on the Slack channel if you want, and I can tell you what the file name should be. The anchor format is DHHMM where D is the day of the week: T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday The link to timeanddate.com will need to be updated with the correct ISO date/time format. Then paste in the TITLE, SPEAKER, and BIO from the CFP entry. A block should look like: Tuesday HH:MM UTC



See some of the existing track files for examples. Data sources are as follows: Schedule grid is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W8DEs0nr1SUTlyTo9dj6SG0u2tFSwvRhoDVb9vYb_r0/edit#gid=0 Session details are here: https://acna2020.jamhosted.net/cfp-score.html For the session details, you will need to be a "Manager" in the CFP system. Rich will need to send you an invite for that. Send your apache ID to him at rbowen@apache.org to receive that invite. You'll also need commit rights to *this* svn repo to actually commit changes. Bonus: For those that use vim, I have the following vim macro, which goes in your ~/.vimrc file. Other helpfule people will provide macros for other editors. " ApacheCon Schedule HTML imap sched Tuesday HH:MM UTC



kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk$hhhhhhhhh Then you just have to type ",sched" to get the next block template.