Introduce the Flink SQL Connector for Pulsar and PulsarCatalog

Yufei Zhang

English Session 2022-07-30 15:30 GMT+8  #streaming

Based on the new Flink DataStream API Pulsar connector, the StreamNative team implemented Flink’s Table API Connector for Pulsar and PulsarCatalog to help users to interact with Pulsar clusters via Flink SQL easily. Yufei will go through the design of the SQL connector. He will introduce how the connector transforms Pulsar data and manages schema evolution. SQL semantics within Pulsar context will be covered as well. Finally, Yufei will introduce PulsarCatalog’s two different modes of using Pulsar as a metadata store and how it makes querying from Pulsar easier for the user.


Yufei Zhang: StreamNative, Software Engineer, Yufei is a software engineer at StreamNative focused on Pulsar’s integration with the Flink ecosystem. He is a Flink contributor and a maintainer of the Flink DataStream API Connector for Pulsar.