ApacheCon NA 2011

Two Day --CouchDB Developer Training

10:00 - 5:30pm on Monday, November 7

Day one of the of CouchDB training course provides an introduction to using and working with CouchDB, covering the key aspects of interacting with CouchDB, essential tools for working with CouchDB, the core API, document design, views, replication, bulk documents and document validation. Main topics covered include:

• CouchDB Introduction
• Tools
• Databases
• Creating, Reading, Updating, Deleting
• Attachments
• Replicating Databases
• Design Documents
• Querying with Views
• CouchApps
• Validating Documents
• Bulk Operations
• Database and View Trees
• Advanced Views

On day two of CouchDB training you will focus on view patterns and queries and how to format documents and views from your database using the built-in list and show functionality. You will also learn about advanced techniques for working with CouchDB data, from consuming the changes feed, creating replication filters, document update handlers and database and document security. Main topics include:

• Rendering Documents with Shows
• Update Handlers
• Rendering Views with Lists
• Subscribing to Changes
• Compaction
• Filtering
• Transactions
• Managing Conflicts
• Securing Data

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