ApacheCon NA 2011

Apache Mahout for intelligent data analysis

4:00 - 4:50pm on Thursday, November 10 in Salon B

"Searching the internet" has become a common pattern when looking for information. However with current tools finding the relevant piece of data often turns out to be similar to searching for the needle in a haystack of unstructured information: Social networks, corporate content management systems, micro blogging platforms, tend to generate an ever increasing flow of online data.

This talk gives an introduction to Apache Mahout - a framework of scalable implementations of algorithms for data mining and machine learning. After motivating the need for machine learning the talk gives an overview of the features of Apache Mahout. The talk shows how to integrate how to integrate Mahout into your application. It shows the tremendous improvements that have been implemented in recent past - including the addition of several algorithms, performance improvements and better APIs for integration.

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