ApacheCon NA 2011

Building a scalable multi-tenant Application Server on the Cloud using Tomcat, Axis2 & Synapse

5:00 - 5:50pm on Wednesday, November 9 in Salon E

Apache Tomcat is one of most popular & widely used Application Servers, and Apache Axis2 is one of most widely used Java Web services servers. Apache Synapse is one of the popular, high performant ESBs widely used in the industry.

In this session, we will look at how we combine these great projects from the ASF into building a scalable, elastic,multi-tenanted Application Server, which allows you to deploy cloud-native webapps on the Cloud, and benefit from all the advantages that Cloud Computing brings in. We will also see how easy it is to deploy any standard webapp on the Cloud, and seamlessly integrate with the authentication, authorization & management infrastructure provided by the underlying Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).

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