ApacheCon NA 2011

Breaking Down Widget Silos with a friendly Wookie

1:30 - 2:20pm on Friday, November 11 in Salon E

Widgets/gadgets are mini applications written in HTML + Javascript. They offer cool and dynamic content that can be placed on any page on the web and, in some cases, on your desktop or your mobile device. Unfortunatley, there is not just one way to create and package
widgets. we have Google Gadgets, W3C Widgets, OpenSocial Gadgets and
Wave Gadgets to name just a few. Whilst widgets are an important part
of web content delivery, particularly mobile web, the plethora of
available widget/gadget standards could limit innovation by creating
incompatible silos. This is where Apache Wookie (Incubating) comes
in. Using Wookie we can harmonize all of these widgets/gadget
standards behind the W3C Widget specification, thus freeing the user
from concerns about implementation details.

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