ApacheCon NA 2011

One Day -- Apache Maven: Effective Implementation

10:00 - 5:30pm on Tuesday, November 8

This training course is designed to go beyond your current assumptions about Apache Maven and learn how to use it most effectively to manage the build and development process. Whether you are a novice aiming to start on the right foot, or a regular user looking to get more out of Maven and avoid common frustrations, this course will give you the skills you need to apply to your own projects. By working through a series of short exercises applied to a complete sample application, you will learn how to apply common patterns in Maven builds to achieve the desired outcome, while learning best practices and common pitfalls along the way. Topics include installation, Maven fundamentals, working efficiently with multi-module projects, simplifying the POM, the best general purpose plugins that you should know about, integration and functional testing, when (and when not) to use Maven sites and reporting, the role of profiles, snapshots and dependency management, repository management, and performing releases. The content is updated for the latest improvements in Maven 2.2 and Maven 3, and will cater to your preference of development environment. Time is reserved for sharing specific situations that attendees have encountered in existing projects.

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