ApacheCon NA 2011

Interoperability with CMIS and Apache Chemistry

4:00 - 4:50pm on Thursday, November 10 in Salon F

Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) is a specification for improving interoperability between Enterprise Content Management systems. The standard has been ratified in May 2010 and is now supported by many ECM vendors.

The number of applications using CMIS to access and manage documents of all kinds is steadily growing. Many applications use libraries provided by Apache Chemistry, which provides four implementations of CMIS: OpenCMIS (Java), cmislib (Python), phpclient (PHP) and DotCMIS (.NET).

This presentation will explain the standard, its relevance and acceptance in the ECM industry and, of course, it will present Apache Chemistry and its role in the increasing use of CMIS.

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