ApacheCon NA 2011

Siegfried Goeschl

Siegfried Goeschl is ASF Member and PMC member for Apache Commons and Turbine. He is currently CTO at IT20one and runs the Java User Group Austria. If there is any time left he also spend some time on other ASF projects such as Maven, "JSPWiki on a Stick" and hopefully Apache Isis

Using JMeter For Testing A Data Center
November 11 1:30PM
This presentation gives you first-hand information how JMeter was used for testing web applications and web services at a large-scale data center consisting of altogether 300 applications servers and multiple database clusters. At the beginning JMeter and the testing approach is introduced before tackling the hard problems of setting up a scalable performance test infrastructure consisting of JMeter, Ant, Hudson and Git. During the course of the project a new reporting backend for JMeter was developed overcoming the limitations of the current XSLT approach because a SLA (Service Level Agreement) performance report was required based on huge JMeter result files (e.g. exceeding 2 gigabytes).

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