ApacheCon NA 2011

Emil Eifrem

Emil is the founder of the Neo4j open source graph database project, which is the most widely deployed graph database in the world. As a life-long compulsive programmer who started his first free software project in 1994, Emil has with horror witnessed his recent degradation into a VC-backed powerpoint engineer. As the CEO of Neo4j's commercial sponsor Neo Technology Emil is now mainly focused on spreading the word about the powers of graphs and preaching the demise of tabular solutions everywhere. Emil presents regularly at conferences such as JAOO, JavaOne, QCon, and OSCON.

The Past, Present and Future of NOSQL
November 10 10:00AM
Ok, it seems like everywhere we look there's talk about next-gen databases.
Under the rallying cry of "NOSQL," several close-kept secret databases have
gone open-source recently, giving everyone many exciting and confusing new
opportunities. Some perform like crazy, some scale out to football field
size, some just keep going no matter what, and none of them look like the
SQL database we all grew up with.

In this session, Emil Eifrem will take you on a whirlwind tour of the
current NOSQL landscape. He'll give a crash course overview of the four main
categories of NOSQL databases, discuss what's currently lacking in NOSQL
today and where it needs to go to gain real mainstream adoption.

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