ApacheCon NA 2011

Marcel Offermans

Marcel is a fellow at Luminis and leads the competence center for OSGi at Luminis Technologies. As a software architect he has a broad experience in different operating systems, languages and applications, ranging from enterprise applications to mobile, embedded and distributed systems. He has been involved in lots of commercial OSGi projects for over eight years and is responsible for the architecture, development and support of an OSGi based software provisioning product. He is also a member of the Apache Software Foundation and involved as a committer and PMC member in the Apache Felix, Apache ACE and Apache Celix projects.

Two Day -- OSGi with Felix and ACE in the Cloud
November 7 10:00AM
An OSGi based architecture is becoming the preferred approach for creating service oriented, highly modular and dynamically extensible applications. Its component model is very powerful and allows you to build your applications out of reusable building blocks that naturally fit together. With an open source framework implementation like Apache Felix readily available, there is no better time to move to OSGi technology. Doing so requires to master the design, assembly, discovery and provisioning of the components that make-up your system, especially if it's deployed to cloud infrastructure.

The first day will focus on OSGi itself, teaching participants how to create service oriented applications and work with the OSGi framework and standards. You will learn all about Apache Felix and the wealth of open source components that are already out there and we will also show you all you need to know about setting up your development environment and continuous integration system.

The second day will focus on deployment into the cloud, introducing Apache ACE, a software distribution framework that allows to centrally manage and distribute software components, configuration data, and other artifacts to target systems. We will focus on building and managing OSGi deployments, showing you how to use Apache ACE to bootstrap a framework and deploy to remotely managed systems in a cloud.

Throughout both days, participants will do hands-on exercises to learn the concepts of OSGi and learn a great deal about bundles and services. At the end of day one, you will end up with a working tool-chain. Day two continues with exercises that focus on deployments and how to tame the exploding complexity in the face of many nodes, lots of components and ever-changing featuresets.

Rapid application development for dynamic cloud applications
November 11 9:00AM
In this presentation we would like to introduce and demonstrate Amdatu, a new open source community project that is building an application platform for dynamic composite service oriented applications in the cloud.

The Amdatu Platform consists of a set of enabling services and application layer services and can run on public, private or hybrid (cloud-burst) environments. These services provide the foundation for any application built on the platform and consist of an OSGi framework that is cluster-ready, multi-tenant aware and can be accessed via a comprehensive set of REST based services. Applications can be dynamically assembled, monitored and managed.

The application layer services are available to any application running on the platform and include functionality like software and configuration provisioning, semantic indexing, search and recommendation, authentication and authorization, an open social implementation, extensive user and social network profiling and big data storage.

Amdatu leverages many Apache projects and hopes to join the Apache Incubator in the near future.

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