ApacheCon NA 2011

Rohit Kelapure

I am responsible for the architecture and delivery of caching and data replication function in WebSphere Application Server.I advise customers on caching and replication strategy.for their deployments. I an a member of key feature teams delivering JEE6 function in WebSphere Application Server. As a committer on the Apache Open Web Beans project I am particularly involved in the the new JSR299 - CDI, Java Contexts and Dependency Injection JEE6 specification and its peer technologies like Weld, Seam & Spring. I am often called upon to resolve critical situations in production at WebSphere Application Server and our stack products WebSphere Portal, WebSphere Commerce & WebSphere eXtreme Scale. I have an avid interest in java debugging tools and techniques that make it easier to understand complex problems. Customer advocacy for large banks and retailers as well as WebSphere User Group presentations. Specialties: CDI, Seam, Spring, Weld, Apache Open Web Beans, Apache Open JPA, JPA L2 Caching, Dynamic and Static Caching, WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Portal Server, WebSphere Commerce Server, WebSphere eXtreme Scale, JEE6 specification, Application Server debugging tools like Eclipse Memory Analyzer, Heap & Thread Analyzer, GC analysis tools.

Web Technologies in Java EE6 : Servlet 3.0 and JSF 2.0 Whats New ?
November 9 11:00AM
Servlet 3.0 is a new specification that is part of the Java EE 6 technologies. This session will introduce you to the new features of Servlet 3.0 and explain how you can leverage them in your applications. The session will focus on two major themes: ease of development, and improving application scalability. This session is intended for Java EE developers, administrators, and architects.

JSF 2.0 is a new specification that is part of the Java EE 6 technologies. This session will introduce you to the new features of JSF 2.0 and explain how you can leverage JSF in your Java EE and Portlet applications. The session will focus on three major themes: ease of development, performance improvements, and open source technology adoption. You will learn how the tools for the Application Developer make developing UI easier, as well as the JSF-Dojo component library. This session is intended for Java EE developers, administrators, and architects.

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