ApacheCon NA 2011

Kevan Miller

Kevan is a member of the ASF and current PMC chair of the Apache Geronimo project. In addition to Geronimo, Kevan is also a participant in the OpenEJB, OpenWebBeans, and multiple Incubator Podling communities.

Developing Java EE and Enterprise OSGi Applications with Apache Geronimo
November 9 2:30PM
Apache Geronimo 3.0 supports both Java EE 6 and Enterprise OSGi programming models. In this presentation, we will review Geronimo 3.0 features, discuss server administration, and demonstrate the development of Java EE and OSGi applications using Apache Geronimo.

Apache Geronimo 3.0 Deep Dive
November 9 4:00PM
In its 3.0 release, Apache Geronimo 3.0 has been rebased on an OSGi runtime. Geronimo’s traditional modularity is now expressed as OSGi bundles. Server assembly and application-centered deployment are now done by installing sets of bundles into an OSGi core framework. JavaEE applications are deployed by transforming them into collections of bundles. In this talk, we will review this extensive restructuring of the Geronimo runtime and discuss the new capabilities that this new framework provides.

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