ApacheCon NA 2011

Jake Luciani

T Jake Luciani is a lead engineer at DataStax focusing on Cassandra development its integrations with other popular apache software such as Hadoop, Hive and Solr. He is a committer on the Cassandra and Thrift projects.

Cassandra 1.0 and beyond
November 11 2:30PM
The Cassandra distributed database has added many new features this year based on real-world needs of developers at Twitter, Netflix, Openwave, and others building massively scalable systems.

This talk will cover the motivation and use cases behind features such as secondary indexes, Hadoop integration, SQL support, bulk loading, and more.

* Project history and goals

Recap: Cassandra through 2010
* Bulletproof reliability
* Best-in-class support for multiple datacenters
* High-performance storage engine based on Bigtable

New in Cassandra 1.0
* Dynamic column indexes
* Distributed counters for realtime analytics
* CQL/SQL and JDBC support
* Bulk loading
* Off-heap allocation for GC performance
* Hadoop support

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